Baja 500 Wagers

I said days ago I'd gladly take those terrible odds

You were correct those were terrible odds. Not only did I pass you I let you in front of me just so I could pass you again! What are those odds? Lol The fact it happened in a bottleneck was a mere technicality...:) You need my address to send a check? Haha I'm jk I got my $100 worth of talking shit.

Congratulations on finishing! Only 4 out of 14 NA cars finished. 10 out of 15 turbos finished. That's a surprise in heat that in places was recorded over 120F.
I'm here, but I'm not really buying your story.

I was actually washing my balls. We all know you don't have any to wash Mr. 165er.

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What story are you not buying? The one that says I opened our window net and asked the Jagged car if they wanted to cut in front of us on the bottleneck and driver said yeah please and I said ok just remember we let you in ok......that story? :) Of course I did because who doesn't love Jagged especially when you win $100 too!

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