Baja 500 Wagers

If you think about it the outcome is so unpredictable 5:1 on anyone is dicey. It's even possible that Johhny on his one last gasp of breath could even finish. Bets need to be more realistic like who can out run Big Jim to the buffet line.
I dont do Buffets....But you can find me at a taco shack on any given day....Try sticking with easy bets George.
I dont do Buffets....But you can find me at a taco shack on any given day....Try sticking with easy bets George. we start behind you and we catch your car easy enough bet? You are/were the #1 seeded car should be a long shot for us. What are the odds an old man and a woman racing on their own dime pass your bad ass Cognito factory sponsored car stacked up with seasoned race car drivers and fully sponsored with fancy pants chase trucks and crew......blah blah blah.

I know you won't take that challenge because it's like arm wrestling your sister and losing! The only comment I wanna hear has a $ sign on it and you choose the odds. Might as well give odds on after we pass you what the odds that we beat you also begins with $ and as many decimals as you got......I say 3:1 we pass you and 5:1 we beat you that's an easy bet for you. :)

Mr Money Bags Angal same goes for you....

Sims....I'd make you the offer but your a nice guy and I couldn't take your money like that.
Last edited: we start behind you and we catch your car easy enough bet? You are/were the #1 seeded car should be a long shot for us. What are the odds an old man and a woman racing on their own dime pass your bad ass Cognito factory sponsored car stacked up with seasoned race car drivers and fully sponsored with fancy pants chase trucks and crew......blah blah blah.

I know you won't take that challenge because it's like arm wrestling your sister and losing! The only comment I wanna hear has a $ sign on it and you choose the odds. Might as well give odds on after we pass you what the odds that we beat you also begins with $ and as many decimals as you got......I say 3:1 we pass you and 5:1 we beat you that's an easy bet for you. :)

Mr Money Bags Angal same goes for you....

Sims....I'd make you the offer but your a nice guy and I couldn't take your money like that.
You're drunk.
Let me worry about just worry about your checkbook. I'll make it easy on you I promise not to nerf you.....I won't do that it's a big race and I want you to have a fighting chance.
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Let me worry about just worry about your checkbook. I'll make it easy on you I promise not to nerf you.....I won't do that it's a big race and I want you to have a fighting chance.
Who has a checkbook any more old man?!

I like how you get a teammate that can finish races and your confidence goes through the roof.. it's almost like you forgot you're still going to be driving at some point....
Who has a checkbook any more old man?!

I like how you get a teammate that can finish races and your confidence goes through the roof.. it's almost like you forgot you're still going to be driving at some point....

Dude I was confident at the 500 last year nothing has changed. No one would bet me last year and so far looks like a repeat. Btw, if it's not me passing you it will be her in a car she's never driven before. Fine bring cash and you choose who holds it.
Are you letting her start? So you can have a CHANCE at finishing?

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I said days ago I'd gladly take those terrible odds

Oh so now your saying our odds have improved.....ok I don't want to take advantage of you. You start ahead of us in a turbo car that's cool. I'll give you that handicap....$100 if we physically pass your car. I'll sweeten the deal and get you a day pass at the gay spa if you somehow manage to hold us off. I don't know how many more advantages I can throw out there for you.

I don't need a spa day I just preran today....
im not sure if you still drunk from last night Felix but I got 10000.00 that says you dont overall win the UTV class and take home the big trophy ... put up or shut up

Now your drunk but your a funny drunk! Average Joe following this is saying to himself this guy Felix is challenging these hot shot Factory Sponsored guys who Say he's got as much chance as a one legged man in an asskicking contest but really afraid to place a realistic bet. The only one with balls is Toenails.

George: Johnny, your a Baja 1000 Champion surely your confident you can stay in front of a toad like me. You have several minutes head start in the best car your Sponsor Polaris can buy with an entire company devoted to the sport with so many chance trucks you create your own traffic jam! We have Juan Valdez and a team of burros for support....$10k? Says the guy who won't even give me $10% off parts? I'm drunk but your scared! i have to feed these burros so here's the bet......$100 we pass you and another $100 we beat you.....that's it simple! Even though your chase truck will probably block us on the highway for 5 miles like it did at b1k idk.

Johnny: when you put it that way it sounds more than fair I'll take that bet. Don't worry I'll instruct my chase trucks to let you by and I can give you 2% off parts.

Bottom line you said I have nothing and I'm calling you out on it.....plain and simple. Put your money where your mouth is....just play the bet not the wallet.

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