Badassmav Baja 1000 updates ?

The "Solid Foundation" is Marc did not complete all the laps.

I'm not talking about any other classes so I don't know why you would bring them into this.

I guess I'm desperate for your facts.
No, you are desperate to discredit us, and I do not understand why. But, since you are yet another visually challenged member with an agenda, allow me to pry your eyes open with the facts.

Fact: If anyone that weekend benefited from a race being stopped before its scheduled distance, it would surely be the 9 TT's that were awarded full points for completing only 4 laps.

The fastest trucks had to start at the back of the pack due to an inverted start, and did not get a fair chance to race on corrected time because the race was stopped after 4 laps, and trucks were not allowed to go out past that.

If their race was allowed to run its full distance, finishing positions and points awarded would have been substantially different. Yet, I see nobody calling them cheaters, or accusing them of favoritism by the promoter.

Now, the facts, exactly as they happened in our race.

When we started our car to go to the starting line, it would only go 36 mph tops. I couldn't figure out what the problem was in the time I had to work with, so I did some quick math in my head and concluded that if Marc could average 28-29 mph, we would be able to complete all 8 laps within the time of alotted to us.

After agreeing on the game plan as outlined above, I sent Marc out, and told him to keep it in low gear so he would have more acceleration, to help keep the average speed to at least 28.5 mph.

After the 3rd lap, with all 3 lap times being only seconds apart, I held up a pit board telling Marc that we were on par to finish, with 10-15 minutes to spare (a pit board because we had no radio communications between the race car and myself)

When Marc went out for his 7th lap, he was still keeping the lap time average within 30 seconds max of each other. He completed 6 laps in around 1 hr, and 35 minutes, and was on schedule to finish the race with 5 -10 minutes to spare.

At this time, word was getting around that SCORE, or someone approved by SCORE, was going to be giving trophy truck rides. Since you were there, you saw and heard numerous times, while our race was still being timed, Trophy Trucks tearing up and down the course, in the main pit area.


Marc never came by on the race course after completing the 7th lap, because a SCORE official, whom I do not know the name of, held him at the start finish line for 5 or 10 minutes. Marc later told me he was getting pissed off because they wouldn't let him go back out, and the clock was ticking away the remaining time our class had to finish.

Marc finally arrived back to our pits 15 or 20 minutes after completing his 7th lap, after being told by SCORE that our race was over, and the course was now closed.

Marc's 7th and final lap was again within seconds of the rest, and he had ample time to finish all 8 laps within the alotted time, had he been allowed to go back out. There was no agreement or discussion between Marc and the finish line official relative to any favoritism. Like I said, Marc was getting pissed off at the official because they held him for so long. When he got back to the pits, he was visibly upset that they would not let him go out for the 8th and final lap.

After lap 5 or so, we were the last and only car still running on the track. Stopping the UTV race at 7 laps had no effect on the final finishing order, or points awarded. We were ready to complete the 8th lap, and the car and time left was right to do so.

After reading the Facts, if you still want to label us as cheaters, or accuse us and SCORE of some malicious behind the scenes favor or agreement, then you are a man on a mission. You have an agenda. You don't like that we're winning, and you will say anything to discredit us.

Let me ask you this, "After we win the 1000, are you going to rear your ugly head again with more false accusations? Wouldn't the 2,000 miles of pre running, along with the 2 weeks time and 10,000 dollars Marc spent be indicative of our victory, assuming it happens? The fact that Marc has won the 500 and thousand on bikes, in trucks, and now in a UTV doesn't carry much merit with you, does it?

So then, why don't you just share the facts on why keep beating this drum that you have been beating since the end of the race in El Centro, so I can walk away from this mess you are creating, vindicated, whilst you just pipe down in shame.;)
Not sure why you want to come out and ruin a perfectly good internet argument with things like FACTS. Thanks a lot for ruining what could have turned in to a huge amount of pages of worthless dribble based on one guys uninformed opinion.:D
That is the Facts .. I was more interested in the 1000 .. cant change the past unless you have a DeLorean
I like your baffle them with bullshit approach.

Fact. Marc did not complete all the laps.

Fact. Marc received finish points even though he didn't finish the race.

I'm not labeling you anything.

Just going off of the facts.

Have fun in Mexico, I'm sure you'll do fine.
That is the Facts .. I was more interested in the 1000 .. cant change the past unless you have a DeLorean
I had to thwart off another nay-sayer with an old fashioned internet spanking. They're like zombies. They find you wherever you may be.

I'm telling you Johnny, ya need to prerun. Not only your sections, and during the proper hour, but logistically. There won't be a Pemex station nearby like at the 500. You need to be sure to have people in place, down deep, a day prior. To not let you down, they'll need to sleep. They'll need to eat, and have a place to rest that is more accommodating than the back seat. I don't care if it is an F-450, it's not a place for one to re-juvinate. If they, or someone with them is not current on the landscape and road conditions......... BAM! Just like that green turd if front of you, it will blindside you so fast, that youi'll be playing catch up for a full 24 hours.

Hope you already got your rooms in La Paz, that is unless you don't plan on visiting there anytime soon..........and quit inviting the buzz kills. Once they see BAM they attack.
I like your baffle them with bullshit approach.

Fact. Marc did not complete all the laps.

Fact. Marc received finish points even though he didn't finish the race.

I'm not labeling you anything.

Just going off of the facts.

Have fun in Mexico, I'm sure you'll do fine.

u r 86'd

By the way, what one fact did I say that was bull shit? I gave you all of the facts, AND the time of day, which was more than warranted. I'm waiting for one stick in the mud like yourself to actually have some ground to stand on, but they never do.. I back my smack with Jack, how says you? Just go away now. This isn't the back to the future thread, it Tomorrowland.
I had to thwart off another nay-sayer with an old fashioned internet spanking. They're like zombies. They find you wherever you may be.

I'm telling you Johnny, ya need to prerun. Not only your sections, and during the proper hour, but logistically. There won't be a Pemex station nearby like at the 500. You need to be sure to have people in place, down deep, a day prior. To not let you down, they'll need to sleep. They'll need to eat, and have a place to rest that is more accommodating than the back seat. I don't care if it is an F-450, it's not a place for one to re-juvinate. If they, or someone with them is not current on the landscape and road conditions......... BAM! Just like that green turd if front of you, it will blindside you so fast, that youi'll be playing catch up for a full 24 hours.

Hope you already got your rooms in La Paz, that is unless you don't plan on visiting there anytime soon..........and quit inviting the buzz kills. Once they see BAM they attack.

Anybody serious about winning this race should follow this advise.
Great Advice and Thank You Very Much for it, I sure wish we had the time to prerun but most of us have real jobs and just cant afford the extra time away .. we will be send trucks down " we now have 3 chase trucks and a back up truck at Ojoes and Valley T, we also paid Baja Pits for Emergency Service and they have pits about every 50 miles and I upped it to 4 Drivers so we will always have somebody pretty fresh. My plan not to pit as often as you should gain us a lot of time 7 pits total and one truck next to or behind the race car lagging ..

so 4 trucks
4 sat phones
1 bgan terminal
4 Drivers
a spare belt and a spare tire and a multi tool ..

tell me your plan
Cmon you can get away for an extended weekend, nick and willie can hold down the fort for a day or two. But don't forget to add the duct tape and bailing wire to the list of essentials
LOL my guys said there is no WAY in hell they would be cought with a roll of duct tape .....

and we needed to order Racer Tape

and Thanks for any tips or suggestions most of you don't know it but I have only been to Baja Mexico Once befor and it didn't turn out so well, we came home with 4th Place ...

so post up any thing you are willing to share, just like Reid did, I would have never thought to send a crew down the day befor or days befor ...for proper rest
oh ya and I did get my rooms in LaPaz a couple of months ago.
What, a 4th driver? Be sure to bring enough tampons so you ladies don't run out Lol! If you leave me your sat phone number, I'll call you from La Paz and take those rooms off of your hands for ya.

I'm surprised that you are traveling so light as far as on board tools and xtra parts are concerned. Really? Not even a roll of duct tape, or bag of zip ties? I know you just didn't mention those small things. The spare parts/onboard tool package we tote in Baja is in excess of 300 pounds:eek:. Clutches, axles, electrical components, shovels, ramps, I could go on forever, as I am certain our car will with all that crap on board.

Our #1 strategy is already in motion. Pre run, prerun, prerun. Then, logistics x 3 as well. Marc is drawing up a comprehensive chase vehicle guide that is loosely based on a format that worked well for him when he raced for team green. It is a guide book that is one up on what BFG pits uses. There will be no lost or late crew members during this race. I will add here that we always have at least 1 Spanish speaking local riding in each chase vehicle, and a butt load of Monster and team paraphernalia , as to bribe our way past the scammers.

We'll stop closer to 11 times, have 3 chase vehicles bunny hopping Marc's position on the track, and 1 or 2 crews will be down deep a day prior in hotel rooms living it up. I'll be driving chase one, always at his side (mostly) and towing one of our stock mavericks as a rolling junkyard of sorts.

Marc said that if you don't already have a commitment to sat phones, he can get you a great deal on Iridium Go's. They pair up with your smart phone, and have endless possibilities. I could tell you of some of them, but that is your preference if you adapt that technology. Let me know. Are you going to have clean restrooms to powder your noses at each pit? Wouldn't want you ladies to get too dirty out there!!!:D Just remember if you are in the fortunate position to see our tail lights as La Paz is near, that the man driving in the green booger is going on 35 hours w/out sleep. I'll tell him to go easy on you.
the word on the street is that Johnny will have a Provost at each pit with hookers and blow... oh wait...thats an exageration.... really only at the driver changes ;)
Prerunning is so important. If you cant do it your self try and link up with a team that is and beg them to share. Offer to cover some of the cost for them. That info is priceless when you need it.

In 2010 Team Underground went south to support AGM with two class 1 cars. Our trip took 8 days. We helped during the prerun and chased the race. We were based out of Loreto. We left our hotel around noon on race day and drove a few hours to our first pit location. We sat in La Parisima for many...many hours. Around 4:45am we woke up to some locals trying steal the wrap of our truck (don't run out of stickers). A few mins later we got word one of our cars rolled about 40 miles before our pit and was done. The second was still moving. We chased that car to the finish in LaPaz. By the time we pulled into the Loreto is was 2:00am and we been on the run for 38 hours. I understand at this point our team was just trying to finish but it was still a crazy adventure and true test. Please everyone be safe. See you in Baja in a few weeks.
and im pretty new at the whole racing chasing game ..:confused:

Here is a great piece of advice for anyone Chasing. Have a second set of keys to the chase truck!! Those keys are to be kept in another crew members pocket and are not to be removed from that pocket, unless you are unlocking the truck door because the other set were locked in!

I cant tell you how many chase trucks I have seen over the years, where the keys are hanging in the ignition and the doors are locked. Especially when you have been at it for 30+ hours and everyone is running on their 3rd wind.

Years ago I was leaving a pit area as we were doing a visual for the Jimco TT. As we are heading back to get in our truck one of the Herbst guys comes over in a panic asking for help. Both of their TT's had come by 15 minutes earlier and they were stuck as the keys were locked in the truck, while still running!!!

They had tried everything, we tried a few things and it came down to breaking out a window. Let's just say the guy was ready to cry, as he knew he was in for an ass chewing when the race was over. Not only does he have to explain why a window in one of the Herbst bitchen chase trucks is broken, but he might be missing his next pit, as they were at least 15 minutes behind schedule.
I think I saw a cool G floating around the shop somewhere...............c'mon Moneybags, it aint no skin off your brow (nor mine;))!

Hey, Jim:eek:! You still in buddy, or what? Is Nick coming along too? If you show up here early, I'll put you up, after putting you to work! This will be the tightest one yet. I should quit posting then, huh?

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