Badassmav Baja 1000 updates ?


UTVUnderground Approved
any updates Brother ? whats going on ? how the course ? Marc Still Planning on Iron Manning it ? are you ready ? do you have my money ready just incase?
lets get this party started .. if you dont win who would you bet on ?
Come on spill the beans ....
And here I thought I was the only one not looking at Marc's (Evil) F-book page. I'm certain that the info on his page is more current and complete than my current knowledge on the subject. Yep, old Bruce Jenner is still planning on a solo voyage:eek:! He got back yesterday from his "vacation" after logging 1,300 miles on the Max, with no belt issues, and carrying a payload on board + 400 lbs. over stock (not including occupants). Go figure..........

My progress here is pitiful. 2 vendors are holding up the progress, and I'm starting to worry, so I keep busy on other parts of the car. I am a slow old man:(, not willing to quit. I'll be ready when the bell rings and yes, I'll have your scratch on hand. 3 x how much? I see you're entered. Have you found more time to work on your car? It appears that you have. When you lost the spindle at Parker, did it do any other damage to the frame or control arm(s)? I hate fixin' shit!

Here's a winning scenario:
Marc's parked the Mav coming in to La Paz, to get him a taco. He's hungry, and waiting. Up rolls UTV Inc., "stop for a taco!", Marc yells. You have a bite or two, then the "let's do this " game is on, and 2 battled cars fight a new fight to the finish. My bet is, you don't stop for that taco, and drive straight through!If you win, I'm gonna' beat you in the head with one of your tie rods;):(:confused::D
I understand the chassis is still in the works, but you know you've got to put a bar connecting the bend at the "A" pillar, down to the "V" intersection of the side door bars.

Is this a 1000 entry? Have at it pal. Better you than me! I though I was far behind, but now, I'm ready to take a nap.:D
ah man Sorry to hear your still waiting on parts ... my guys really don't like working on dirty stuff so the old car is still sitting .. the new Polaris RZR 4 seat is almost done that was a picture from a week or two ago ... although we do keep changing things up when we see we could save a pound here or there

Man Ya I really don't like Tacos and don't like waiting around and Im sure you heard at the last race I got really really good as passing Marc on the Race Course.
I see we have about 16 Cars entered so far, It is just to bad Brandon Sims isn't racing his car in this race, I tried to get Joey D to race with me but he would rather be a back up Navigator for Jagged X

I gots some other bad news for you but ill let that settle in and let you ponder on it and finish your second cup of coffee I know you can ready between the Lines, I know its early :D

News at 9am
and yes I saw Marcs Face Book pictures, we all know hes not posting up the bad pictures .. I saw Vids of TTs stuck already prerunning
ah man Sorry to hear your still waiting on parts ... my guys really don't like working on dirty stuff so the old car is still sitting .. the new Polaris RZR 4 seat is almost done that was a picture from a week or two ago ... although we do keep changing things up when we see we could save a pound here or there

Man Ya I really don't like Tacos and don't like waiting around and Im sure you heard at the last race I got really really good as passing Marc on the Race Course.
I see we have about 16 Cars entered so far, It is just to bad Brandon Sims isn't racing his car in this race, I tried to get Joey D to race with me but he would rather be a back up Navigator for Jagged X

I gots some other bad news for you but ill let that settle in and let you ponder on it and finish your second cup of coffee I know you can ready between the Lines, I know its early :D

News at 9am
What, you just raised the price on all of your tie rod and link components? I'm pretty sure that you are just giving them to us! No news too bad that I couldn't wash down with my morning beer I hope. Hell, bad news anymore is just the norm around here!

Thanks to my lack of experience in troubleshooting engines and related systems, everybody got good at passing Marc in the Desert Challenge. I heard he had to pull over to let a desert tortoise by.:o!
2014 Baja 1000
Branden Sims Polaris/Lone Star Racing
Johnny Angal Polaris/UTVinc
Justin Quinn Quinn Racing
This Year’s Brutal Baja 1000 is set to be the most challenging race ever with 1288 Miles of what has been described as Rutted and Washed out Roads, Silt Beds, Drop Offs, Baja Jungle, Water and Mud Crossing, and a Baja Hammers Rock Crawling Section due to all the recent Baja Hurricane action. Polaris RZR Racers Branden Sims, Johnny Angal and a Racer blast from the past Justin Quinn Have Teamed Up for the 47th Annual Baja 1000
Angal, Sims and Quinn Will be Racing a 2015 Polaris RZR XP 1000 4 with the Race Chassis Built and Prepped by UTVinc, Suspension by Lone Star Racing, Fox 3.0 and 2.5 Internal Bypass Shock, Wheels by Method Race Wheels, Tires by ITP, 2 Way Communications by PCI Race Radios, Lighting by Rigid Industries
For this, 30 plus Hour Race They will be racing Polaris’s Race Proven all Stock Pro Star 1000 Engine, Clutch, Transmission, Belt, and Engine Cooling Systems and Pure Polaris Lubricants and Fluids. They will be modifying the Chassis, Suspension and Fuel Systems as required by Score International and to take on the unbelievable brutal terrain that is left for the UTV Class after 160 Racers from all over the World in Trophy Trucks, Motorcycles VWs start in front of the Pro UTV Class.
good addition with sims. I like that your building a new car for the 1000 taking a page out of jaggy. I would add belt temp gauge/ intercooler gauge, Don't use AGL in transmission, and run tire balls or tire blocks, better air filter set up that you can change filter easy, and quick release system to change belt and don't forget the razor blade.
Thanks for the Tips .. im sure Reid is not as excited as I am about my Co Drivers
A badass compilation for sure. I'm ecstatic :D that you are teaming up with such talent, as to always have a clear and sharp mind behind the wheel. We definitely want to win against the best teams using the best drivers, and under the best conditions possible. It increases your odds of a strong finish for sure. It will not however, get you any closer to a victory:(. Our 2 year old, patched and bruised race car will roll up to the starting line for its final race weighing in around 2,750 lbs.:eek: That is 2x the weight of a stock Maverick. We have 90 minutes of down time planned for maintenance alone, just to assure we are there at the end. Still, not enough handicaps to keep us from making a loud statement in La Paz. This is based on a loose formula I concocted by the end of last season, and it reads like this:
We will have a cushion for downtime, during any given event, that is equal to 1/10 of a minute, or 6 seconds, per mile raced. For races averaging 45+ mph, cut that in half.
So, for the 1000, we have 1280miles x 6s/mile, which equals 2.1 hours. That is what I expect to beat the competition by, assuming no downtime. After scheduled vehicle maintenance, there is still a 36 minute cushion. Gotta love math! O.k., bring it on people. Lets hear it!
why would they get finish points ? oh Corys got a tow strap !!!

Well Reid Ive been going over the math for hours and even had to call up some of the Top Mathematical minds in the Country and the way we see it is .. well you need to bring cash with you. ;)
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why would they get finish points ?

By being buddy's with the race promoter. Have a car that is clearly not running right. Then "magically" get to end the race 3 laps early.

"Because the promoter said so" How convenient!

Finish points are finish points. You only get them by finishing the WHOLE RACE.

Let see what shenanigans are pulled in Mexico.......
By being buddy's with the race promoter. Have a car that is clearly not running right. Then "magically" get to end the race 3 laps early.

"Because the promoter said so" How convenient!

Finish points are finish points. You only get them by finishing the WHOLE RACE.

Let see what shenanigans are pulled in Mexico.......
Yeah, Roger is going to risk the integrity of SCORE, an entity he undoubtedly paid millions for and is constantly growing, just so a golf cart can win a race. :confused: Dude, you are almost as incorrect with your facts as you are ignorant.

It was the second Trophy Truck race that was stopped 3 laps early, not us. So, the 9 TT drivers who received finishing points for completing only 5 of the scheduled 8 laps while the other trucks still running who had not yet made it to lap 5 got none must be in kahoots with the promoter as well then, yes? Or is it just us that you like to make haneous asinine accusations about? Don't make me shoot you down with facts. I ask that you back off, or risk looking like a desperate idiot.:rolleyes: The foundation I stand on is solid.
why would they get finish points ? oh Corys got a tow strap !!!

We Reid Ive been going over the math for hours and even had to call up some of the Top Mathematical minds in the Country and the way we see it is .. well you need to bring cash with you. ;)
Ha ha! I love it. Touche', my friend:D.
The "Solid Foundation" is Marc did not complete all the laps.

I'm not talking about any other classes so I don't know why you would bring them into this.

I guess I'm desperate for your facts.

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