AZ license plate..... o.k. on CA street??

I have an AZ license plate on my Teryx here in CA.......

Does anyone know if you can drive on city streets in CA with AZ plate?

i'm sure i would have seen people trying this by now, ..... but would like to know if anyone has done this ...... how did it go over with The Fuzz?
Wouldnt matter if you did, not compliant with CA laws so its not legal to be on the street.
Yeah, California LEOs are not going to be cool with that. It would be the same as driving around on a quad on CA streets even with a AZ plate. They wont be happy about it. Ive seen a few CA plated Rhinos on the road on the CA side of Parker, but that was from the few that snuck in under the radar before the DMV figured out what was going on. They see you doing that now, they will take away your CA plate for sure, if no the rhino.
Yeah, California LEOs are not going to be cool with that. It would be the same as driving around on a quad on CA streets even with a AZ plate. They wont be happy about it. Ive seen a few CA plated Rhinos on the road on the CA side of Parker, but that was from the few that snuck in under the radar before the DMV figured out what was going on. They see you doing that now, they will take away your CA plate for sure, if no the rhino.

True Ca. LEO's are not going to be cool(are they ever?)with it buuuuut you can drive your rhino from AZ to Cali. I agree you will get a ticket and possibly get impounded as soon as you enter the state because Ca. is going to assume your not smart and that you will not fight for your rights(or have the funds to fight)...buuuut there is a federal law that states if.... one states DMV deems the vehicle road worthy then it can TRAVEL through all other states.
The problem is your going to get pulled over and theyre going to write you the ticket per Ca. law(possible impound) and its up to you to fight back..
for example in Ca. its allowed to have med. marijuana yet federally its not allowed...who wins ...Federal....Federal laws trump state laws...but you will have to go to court and deal with this and Ca.s banking on the fact that your not going to have the time or resources to do also better have a current AZ DL showing that is in fact where you reside, current insurance and reg. ... so basically its not worth it.. but it is possible.:rolleyes:
I have to know. Has anyone from California been able to get a license plate for their UTV recently?
You can get a ca plate but it will cost you a lot. Everything has to be DOT approved ,windshield ,wipers etc. I got a ticket with my AZ plate on street legal only off road trail in CA

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I just got a SE California tag for my Rhino. It is basically registered as construction equipment and according to everything I read, it is legal to drive on every road without all the required equipment like windshields turn signals etc, just like backhoes roadgraders etc. Now that said, I have not tried it out but a few of my cop buddies said they do not see that it would be a problem. But we all know how Cops can be and I have some as friends. I got it registered that way after a friend of mine did it who is in the construction business and two of us did it after that
Oh and my tag only cost $23 for a couple of years now the DMV service company cost me more but you can probably do it yourself
If you have a full Arizona street legal UTV(not trail legal......we have 2 versions here)and you have full insurance coverage then yes you are covered in all of the states just like your car.Example:My RZR is street legal for offroad,aka fire roads,crossing streets/highways to get to trails etc.Costs $4 for the tag.If I wanted to go FULL street legal(streets/highways)then the tag would be close to $200 and my insurance would be way higher.All my friends that paid $4 for their tag think they can drive down the freeway and be legal but I tell those dumbf#cks that they are not but nobody ever believes me.I am a commercial tractor/trailer driver and have been for 20+ years now.I keep up with the rules of the road as much as I can.
Ken, I do;):D:cool: The key to any street registration being legal in another state is the Title if it says "Not for street use" or " Off Highway use only" your done in any state that only recognizes street legal titles! My Title was issued without that phrase on it and is 100% legal (Not including tires), but your still going to get hassled:( In Kalifornia!

Stay out of Califuckya as much as possible! The illegal wetbacks have taken the whole state over anyway.

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