I think what he is trying to tell us is that 2011 RZR is going to have a 875cc, great find! and you gotta love CA for letting out the info before there able to...
BTW you have a very limited edition 5th wheel in your picture also, we only built a hand full in that color... Is it a F33AKSG Armor Edition? Sorry for the H/J...
No Biggie!
Yes it is.
Do you remember having to replace the front cap on this one?
We still love it and will but another Eclipse trailer.
Comon' Polaris!!
Do you have then inside scoop? Can we find about this ghost sxs on here tomorrow night?
Well I'm glad I held off and didn't drop 8 grand to put long travel and and a big bore on my teryx. It sounds like this new polaris will have everything I want. I'm hoping it will cost less to buy a new polaris than to build up my old Teryx. Wheelbase travel and power.