Another light thread


New Member
I am in the market for a 40" light bar, I really like the rigid and B/D bars, definitely don't want to buy a piece of junk, but $1200.00+ is pretty steep for a weekend warrior type.
I don't know much about the Totron and recently saw the KC bar at a decent price, does anybody have experience with the KC?
D. Rebel
rigid is top dog. kc is still great quality. i got a safeglowhips 40 at the sand show and love it.
I have the Baja Design 40" Onyx6 and it is very bright and spreads the light out. It has rendered by stock lights and my 4" HID lights useless, it is that bright. No only is it bright, but it usable light.

I have seen many led bars that are fairly bright but the beam patterns and projection made them as good as putting a few flashlights on your head.

I am sure the torton and other cheaper knock off stuff does work, but I felt being able to see and having quality lights was more important than saving a few bucks. In the end saving a few bucks could result in being stuck somewhere with you lights not doing what they are suppose to.
anybody use a rear lightbar? i followed people back to camp sat night, and it helped alot. so i ordered one today. will post pics when i get it installed. 169.00 with free shipping.

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