An Epic Battle, An Epic Ending...

Post from Scott Steinberger, owner of PCI Radios and son of the famed WeatherMan....

I just got a text about this thread and will write a bit about the fun I had in Baja with Jim, Rick, Dave, Greg, and the whole Azunia Team in the morning as I am still recovering from a couple of sleepless nights in Baja. Congrats to the 1802 team for beating Baja and becoming a part of the legendary marquee of our sport.

Thank you for my father cheering us on and pushing us to the finishline line and my sons Ryder and Race who joined me on their first adventure in Baja.

Also a special thanks to my friend Jerry Wines who always has my back at the races and Dane, Cap, Dan, and Jack driving 20 miles down the course in the old V10 knowing we could not finish the race and stepping up and making the repairs when we were all physically beat and tired.

Jim Riley thanks for inviting me to share in your glory and Dave Sykes thanks for being my Co Driver, good times listening to you complain about how much it sucked to not have a steering wheel in front of you.

Special thanks to Greg Foutz for building an affordable and capable Race truck that is the second fastest truck I have ever driven, I think our run down Matomi was one of my fastest trips ever and there is something to be said about a nimble and lighter truck that is very fun to drive. A few teething problems but a class I am sure will grow.

The party sounds great and I might have to ditch my bowling team and come meet the Baja Champions of car 1802.

Who would have thought the last car on the road could make such a impact on the RDC famalia! Thanks Klause for all the great coverage of the Baja 1000, awesome!

Ok my eyes hurt and back to PCI in the morning, great times my friends and family, goodnight.
Wow. We had an amazing race experience with Kane in the 2015 Vegas to Reno, but we were all on quads. I posted a brief story on FB last year, it's a good read:

"We’d like to give a shout out to Kane Fraser, a certified bad ass, and his co-rider Paul Marcotte. Our #415 quad had shut down at about mile 172, and the pit captain at 8 said it would be hours before they could help us. My son and I located the pair of Canadians on quad #474 at pit 7, and asked for a tow into pit 8. Kane said "no problem", as he climbed from his wheelchair onto the quad, while his team mate bungee corded(!) Kane’s legs to the quad. Kane took off in search of the #415 quad. Oh, and of course the first of the trophy trucks had already come through.

Kane located our rider on the #415 quad, hooked up the tow rope and proceeded to absolutely haul-ass towards pit 8. After a few miles of this craziness, Kane and our rider come across a downed bike rider lying across the course, barely conscious. Not about to leave the delirious rider out in the desert heat, on to the back of the quad he went. Left the bike in the desert.

So visualize this: Kane bombing down the course, legs occasionally flying around because the bungees didn’t hold, the injured rider hanging on and flopping like a rag doll, #415 eating dust on the end of a rope, and the trophy trucks are bearing down on them. Hell yea.

Thanks guys!

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