dnf736 Retired - And Still UTVUNderground Approved!!!! Feb 15, 2009 #1 Two round trip trolley passes, $10 Two treadhead seats $24 Sneaking into the skyboxes with your son and watching the Supercross race last night, PRICELESS.. The racing was predicitable but the adventure was a blast. SDSX on at 9:00am PT BTW.
Two round trip trolley passes, $10 Two treadhead seats $24 Sneaking into the skyboxes with your son and watching the Supercross race last night, PRICELESS.. The racing was predicitable but the adventure was a blast. SDSX on at 9:00am PT BTW.
D Double Trouble Hooks Dorian's My Name, Pimpin DTH's is my Game - UTVUnd Feb 15, 2009 #3 nice post!!
W waytay Get Outta MY Waytay - UTVUnderground Approved Feb 15, 2009 #5 yes race was fun...not boring but not off the hook!