2018 BITD Vegas To Reno UTV UPDATES.. Anyone care?

...earlier in this thread, any shameful lack of meaningful 'give back' on the part of sponsored elites in the racing world was strictly "social media's fault".
Then Joey suggested that: "..too many people are watching and judging everyone" who are schlepping more than what most (peon) fan's houses are worth down the road.
Now it's my fault for bringing up the simplest of 'grow a set' issues which former posters are (evidently) flat out afraid to dispute due to the threat of (who?) obviously not further reimbursing their sudden silence on this forum.

While the fan realizes that utv racing is not driving sales in any meaningful manner nationwide, this forum has been an interesting insight in to those teams and individuals more than willing to not only give up their basic freedoms ...but rare opportunities to educate while undoubtedly making a positive tangible difference in this sport.

It's a good thing that I have broad shoulders. :(

Mr. Legacy,

The reality is there are multiple reasons why the UTVUG forum is not as busy as it once was.

For me personally, your persistent aggressive posts are a deterrent. I visit this forum for industry information, updates from fellow friendly people involved in this sport, and for entertainment. In my opinion, you are the digital version of a foggy-eyed street preacher standing on his soapbox on the sidewalk near a busy sporting event. Sign held high, he does society an ill-perceived service by yelling and screaming at all who pass by. As I've passed you on this forum, I must admit the thought has crossed my mind, "Can't we just vote this person off the UTVUG island?" I know, wrong reality show. My apologies, I digress.

What is truly fascinating for me is, similar to the religious zealot, you seem to find some strange satisfaction in railing about your chosen topics while simultaneously alienating the people who you might actually reach had you simply reached out like a more normal human and engaged them in a positive way. You come at people with a strong agenda under the cloak of anonymity and then seem to be upset and frustrated when your message is not well received. Don't you realize it is disingenuous to push an agenda without allowing people a glimpse of who you and your motives really are? Without this you will never develop the trust needed to make a difference. Perhaps the greatest irony about your interactions thus far on this forum is one that makes me shake my head. It is the "legacy" that you, Mr. It'sYourLegacy, will leave. You are so motivated that you could make a significant change for good, but your methods are so crude that they will never will effect any benefit to anyone but yourself.
"...For me personally, your persistent aggressive posts are a deterrent...Can't we just vote this person off the UTVUG island?."

"Aggressive" in what respect and a "deterrent" to what exactly in terms your engaging how?

This country or forum is not (thank God) some liberal campus with 'safe spaces' and 'aggression free' zones where those simply pointing out obvious realties such as 'off road safety' are hauled off by angry mobs of snowflakes.

I'm beginning to think that this is all less about young people gravitating towards social media...and more about too many kids for too many years now never 'once' running in to anyone who didn't necessarily agree with them, folks not immediately offering a participation trophy or aggressors/deterrers not once ever suggesting 'me time' with a therapy pony.

When one adds in the "let's just kick him off campus" angle that we've all witnessed time and again for decades now the term 'snowflake' seemingly covers a much wider range of generations than most of us once believed.
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After reading this thread, I reflected a few days upon things said after the race ended. I realized that, though I am not one of the racing elite, I have stopped posting on the forums. I have had my reasons, most of which are selfish and maybe even whinny so some. Though it could mean very little to most, I realize what is actually being said in this thread is that without discussion forums will die. I do not want forums to die. I do not like the mundane posting of photos of my car with bland statements to which I sit back hoping I get enough post likes to catch the attention of those “more important” people in the sport.

I stopped posting race reports and commenting on threads because I was fed up with the continued (perceived) “on sided” direction of the UTV Underground brand. I did understand that in order for Joey D to make money he needed to advertise and charge for his expertise and support. This did not assist in my motives. When i switches from driving a Polaris to a Can-Am, I was never mentioned on any race result posting. When i finished the Mint 400 in second, I hoped (especially for my sponsors) that our accomplishment would be posted. It wasn’t. Hell it wasn’t even noted in the race results posted by this site. I gave up! I told myself I will never post on “PolarisUnderground” again.

Well that is obviously the wrong thing to do. Even if I only get the few “trolls” to read what I want to say, or get a few good hearted people to enjoy my race report; I shouldn’t refuse to add my own content to this site. The exit of racers from the forums have only allowed this to become a Polaris dominated site. I own a Polaris, I race a Can-Am. My loyalty lays with the sport rather than a brand.

I feel that I am just rambling now, but I will begin to post race reports and any other content I feel could be of entertainment or knowledge to whoever reads it.
"Aggressive" in what respect and a "deterrent" to what exactly in terms your engaging how?

This country or forum is not (thank God) some liberal campus with 'safe spaces' and 'aggression free' zones where those simply pointing out obvious realties such as 'off road safety' are hauled off by angry mobs of snowflakes.

I'm beginning to think that this is all less about young people gravitating towards social media...and more about too many kids for too many years now never 'once' running in to anyone who didn't necessarily agree with them, folks not immediately offering a participation trophy or aggressors/deterrers not once ever suggesting 'me time' with a therapy pony.

When one adds in the "let's just kick him off campus" angle that we've all witnessed time and again for decades now the term 'snowflake' seemingly covers a much wider range of generations than most of us once believed.

You are aggressive in that the majority of your posts quickly redirect the conversation to your agenda from whatever the main topic started out on. It is a deterrent to my engagement on this forum because your rantings about your agenda are not interesting to me. This is not due to the specific content of your agenda, but rather the clumsy manner in which you push your latest doctrine.

While tempting, having you banished from the forum is not my goal or hope. What I do wish is that you would take your agenda and start a thread or two of your own instead of troll-hacking every other thread. You could start something like, "Off-Road Safety Shortcomings of Side-by-Side Sportsmen" or "Off-Road Leadership Failures of the 21st Century", or "Spending Money Responsibly: Breaking the Cycle". You could post specific problems and issues that you see on these topics, and you could ask the community to share ideas on how to make them better. For a bonus, if you lay off the incessant formatting and font emphasis in your posts the comprehension of messages by your audience would probably quadruple.

Or, if you want to get crazy, why don't you turn off Rush, roll out of bed, put pants on, and go help coach a 6 yr old soccer team. Then you could really live out your dream of gathering up all the participation medals and ride the team therapy pony into the sunset as society's true hero. All kidding aside, if you are going to complain about kids these days, but won't take the time to engage them, teach them, care for them, then you really are simply a troll. Put-up or shut-up, its that simple.
After reading this thread, I reflected a few days upon things said after the race ended. I realized that, though I am not one of the racing elite, I have stopped posting on the forums. I have had my reasons, most of which are selfish and maybe even whinny so some. Though it could mean very little to most, I realize what is actually being said in this thread is that without discussion forums will die. I do not want forums to die. I do not like the mundane posting of photos of my car with bland statements to which I sit back hoping I get enough post likes to catch the attention of those “more important” people in the sport.

I stopped posting race reports and commenting on threads because I was fed up with the continued (perceived) “on sided” direction of the UTV Underground brand. I did understand that in order for Joey D to make money he needed to advertise and charge for his expertise and support. This did not assist in my motives. When i switches from driving a Polaris to a Can-Am, I was never mentioned on any race result posting. When i finished the Mint 400 in second, I hoped (especially for my sponsors) that our accomplishment would be posted. It wasn’t. Hell it wasn’t even noted in the race results posted by this site. I gave up! I told myself I will never post on “PolarisUnderground” again.

Well that is obviously the wrong thing to do. Even if I only get the few “trolls” to read what I want to say, or get a few good hearted people to enjoy my race report; I shouldn’t refuse to add my own content to this site. The exit of racers from the forums have only allowed this to become a Polaris dominated site. I own a Polaris, I race a Can-Am. My loyalty lays with the sport rather than a brand.

I feel that I am just rambling now, but I will begin to post race reports and any other content I feel could be of entertainment or knowledge to whoever reads it.

I have always followed your posts and always appreciate every race report from every racer. I have also found myself coming to this site less and less because it has gotten a bit boring. It would be nice if it could make a comeback and maybe the new owners can figure out a way to spice it up.
I have always followed your posts and always appreciate every race report from every racer. I have also found myself coming to this site less and less because it has gotten a bit boring. It would be nice if it could make a comeback and maybe the new owners can figure out a way to spice it up.
I think if more people think it’s a place to go to be entertained, we can regain the viewership. It was very insightful to me to read how people were disappointed in the lack of new posts ( if that’s a good way of putting it) I have to have the old school mentality of not caring and posting my heart to feel real. When I can’t do that I just withdraw from the conversation which is not a way to live. As long as more people care we can redeem this site with or without the moderators influence. I do not think Joey D nor new ownership of Mad Media want or ever wanted the people that come to this site to “censor” the thoughts of the day. Sponsors might want that, but if true debate continues then the manufactures and sponsors will only continue to increase reliability and value. Like I said before I have and still own UTVs from differing manufacturers. Each has its positives and negatives. The day every person gives up their voice is the day we get shit products. Polaris, Can-Am, Yamaha and other want those dollars and they do care what is said on forums just like this one. That’s how UTVUG became so profitable.

We need to encourage everyone we know that cares about this sport, activity, luxury in life to once again enter the forum, post, debate and comment. Otherwise we will be sitting in a situation with crap products that are trumped by a f’ing Kia Sorento. (Little joke applied)

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