I think that Sheldon is driving majority of the race. I am not sure that Max is in the machine yet.

Still pretty cool he is driver of record. Whoever is driving is doing really well and making a good showing for the Wildcat XX (Speedcat).

As to the lead pack they are all still within miles of each other. Once the sun goes down it is going to get interesting.
Top 4 as of 4:33PM (Based on Tracking)

2966 - Rhys Millen
(Zoom to Vehicle) / (Zoom to Field)STATUS: Active
CURRENT SPEED: 37.4 mph at route mile 163.7
LAST REPORT: 04:32:34 PM (PST) 11/16/17 (0 minutes ago)

2919 - Brandon Schueler
(Zoom to Vehicle) / (Zoom to Field)STATUS: Active
CURRENT SPEED: 74.7 mph at route mile 157.6
LAST REPORT: 04:30:31 PM (PST) 11/16/17 (2 minutes ago)

2975 - Mike Cafro
(Zoom to Vehicle) / (Zoom to Field)STATUS: Active
CURRENT SPEED: 74.5 mph at route mile 153.9
LAST REPORT: 04:32:43 PM (PST) 11/16/17 (0 minutes ago)

2977 - Justin Chapo Elenburg
(Zoom to Vehicle) / (Zoom to Field)STATUS: Active
CURRENT SPEED: 41.1 mph at route mile 148.7
LAST REPORT: 04:33:00 PM (PST) 11/16/17 (1 minutes ago)
Looks like right now its polaris 1,2,3!

I am showing something complete diff Joey

Ive got millan, scheuler, lambert,caffro, burnett (burnett shows stopped)
Not being in Baja is such a bummer as I sit here going WHERE THE HELL ARE THE UPDATES... then I realized, if we aren't on the scene nothing happens... In one way I love that we are the only outlet that really goes all out for our class, on the other end its pretty sad. Sorry boys...
Looks like right now its polaris 1,2,3!

I am showing something complete diff Joey

Yeah could be. Look at the update times, not everyone updates at the same rate so its very hard to tell. Usually when I am giving you guys updates here its based on actual time splits as they visually are passing me or one of my staff. Hoping I can get Martelli to start feeding me stuff. They are embedded with the Dynamic team for this race.
Yeah could be. Look at the update times, not everyone updates at the same rate so its very hard to tell. Usually when I am giving you guys updates here its based on actual time splits as they visually are passing me or one of my staff. Hoping I can get Martelli to start feeding me stuff. They are embedded with the Dynamic team for this race.
The only one that doesnt show a solid refresh is burnett
I'm showing 2966-Millen at RM175, 2919-Schueler at RM173.3, 2918- Lambert at RM171.6, 2975- Cafro at RM 169 and 2907- Creed at 166 as of a couple minutes ago..
Millen, Burnett, Shueler, Sappington, Murray

Edit: tracker just updated and Lambert is in that mix also

Thanks Tatum. I picked Ryhs winning by 30 minutes without a mechanical. Hope im wromg . Want to see an exciting finish.
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Its almost better for us having u home tracking and updating us from your contacts Joey

Well as we know in Baja, the start & San Felipe area will provide service but as the race goes on it will get worse until they get closer to Loretto usually. We will see what happens. I haven't been able to get a return text in some time.
Looks like Wayne Matlock is starting to make some time. Rhys still on the gas heading into San Felipe
Boys on the ground say Rhys looks really good every time they have seen him. If they don't have problems (the old saying of course) him and Verdier will be very hard to catch. BUT, there is still 1000 miles to go!

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