2014 King Of The Hammers - YES there will be a UTV Race!

Only 17 Pro so far.

Ultra 4 is falling behind, I've been entered, paid in full plus already had paid my USAC license for a year, by December 7th. Shannon has kept telling me that she will get the list updated, but there were, quote, "A lot to update".
Several of us racing in the UTV class have already given up their garage locations in Hammertown so that it won't be as crowded, I think Ultra 4 makes more off the 4400 cars and draw more crowd, so once again, we are being put out.
Well if I was building an empire the first thing I would do is dump the UTV class. It's not like UTV's are a dominating segment in off-road. Hahahaha, I think it's a power move. It's one last attempt to shake the tree and get everyone out for 2014.

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Several of us racing in the UTV class have already given up their garage locations in Hammertown so that it won't be as crowded, I think Ultra 4 makes more off the 4400 cars and draw more crowd, so once again, we are being put out.

Just to clarify, you are more than welcome to have a pit space in Hammertown. I simply didn't want to assign you a space only to find that you were planning on camping outside of HT and the space end up empty.
Dave mentioned that all UTV racers are a bunch of whiners too. Complaining about cost to race. Complaining about race results. Payout. Course too easy. Course too hard. Wah wah wah.
Just to clarify, you are more than welcome to have a pit space in Hammertown. I simply didn't want to assign you a space only to find that you were planning on camping outside of HT and the space end up empty.

Simon, it works out for me to camp outside and I have no problem giving up the garage area. It is distressing that Dave feels he needs to drop UTVs though and says that there aren't enough entries.
As for the complaints that the course is too hard or too easy or too whatever, I feel that it's his race to design and our race to try and finish. Costs may be high to some, when compared to potential paybacks, but if they are too high, then those racers don't have to enter. I paid for a one race entry since I know I won't make the Sacramento race, but the others are possible. I paid for a year USAC license. I chose to do so. If I didn't want to pay those fees, I wouldn't be racing.

I plan on going out in February and having a good time and enjoying being in the race. I wish Dave would reconsider his stance as UTVs are a big future of off-roading.
Looks like Big Rich and Dirt Riot Racing may have a future as they are expanding their race entries all the time...
Let's face it rock crawler guys don't like UTV'S they give us no respect on the trail or race coarse. I was at Hollister and some rock head was trying to pull up onto my big horn tire until I chased him off. And talk about whiners Holly crap those guys were practically crying on the pirate forum. If they drop the UTV'S someone should start up another race for UTV'S with more classes 800, 900, 1000 maybe? You could even get a Mc or ATV class going to bring in more people.

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I hate to hear this might be our last year. This will be my fourth year of racing, and we entered three cars this year.

I am puzzled how anyone could be complaining about the course, as I'm not aware the course has been announced yet. Plus with two classes, the Sportsman course should be easy enough for almost anyone, and I suspect the Pro course will be difficult enough for those that want it harder.

The low number of entries could be due to how late the rules came out, no real definition as to what the course for Sportsman would be, and all the threads from last year talking about how hard the race was, both from the UTV's and the EMC guys.

Maybe it scared people away. I know I have heard from people they would love to race, but they can't afford to tear up their car. If the Sportsman course had been described, I think some of those people might have considered entering. Just my opinion.

A couple things I think would help, find a title sponsor, publish rules with a contact person to answer questions, define the course as to difficulty, get the title sponsor to promote the race, and try to eliminate as much load off Dave as possible. Maybe as a group, we can sit down with Dave and offer our help so that the race can continue in the future.
Well boys, the trophy goes home for good this year! Who's taking it?

Simon, are there trophies and payout for top 3?
So this is where you guys hang out?

It isn't a well kept secret that I'm having a tough time communicating with UTV guys. All of that is on me and would like to make that better.

I logged in today to clear up any rumors.

I definitley want there to be a UTV presence at KOH and all Ultra4 races. I am struggling with the balance to keep the price point low while providing the 'perks' it seems that most of you want.

1) I saw that there is talk about moving the UTV race to Wednesday for whatever reasons.

I am leaning towards that because your vehicles have a completely different performance pattern than stock and mod. You are significantly faster in the desert that stock and most mod, but not as fast or capable than most of them in the rocks. It leads to a bad traffic jam that isn't good for anyone.

I don't agree that it is bad for you guys PR wise. The race will be tied into to our Time Trial show both onsite and on Live Coverage

I won't have to spread cameraman across the whole desert trying to get Mods and UTVs, they can more effectively follow the race.

I think it is a good move, but would love to hear your opinions.

2) Class changes.

I still can't make sense of the classes we had last year. But from my perspective, there are 2 classes. Those that want to win, and those that want an adventure. If you want to win, pay a little more, and take home money. If you want an adventure, pay less and peel out.

As far as performance, trying to make rules to govern performance in an industry with such 'young' and emerging technology is futile.

Run what you brung, but it seems we need to have some 'sanity' caps. 1000CC's of what is Production style power plant.

In my mind I just don't want someone to drop a LS motor in a sxs and go nuts, we have Ultra4 for that special kind of awesome.

I don' think I care if it's a rotax/canam/GSXR motor. Dependability goes alot further in this kind of racing than pure speed.

What is a good way to ensure the integrity of the class?

3) Big Rich taking over the race. I honestly have no clue how this rumor got traction. Rich helped with the big race last year and remains a great partner. I don't see how I can seperate the business and risk management of having someone else running a race in the middle of my event.

I would rather put extra effort into working through the rough patches.

I don't have alot of opportunity to get on the forums, but my cell is usually always on. If you have any questions, concerns, gripes, or jokes... give me a call 909 273 0216

I realize that it's easier for me to communicate with the Ultra4 guys because I have been racing with and againist them for over a decade. I'm an outsider to your group of racing and haven't done a good job trying to change that.

In the end you are going to get blunt and direct feedback from me.

I want UTV's racing. It's good for our events.

I would LOVE to have them at our series events. We are investing alot of money to pull spectators to our series events next year. You guys are a good show. I've got it down to $100/race for sportsman.

This is kinda the make or break year for UTV's with me. We either get on the same page and start finding value in each other or maybe we should move on.

I have joked about golf carts and I have openly slammed some of the guys in this class for being massive whiners.

I have respect for anyone that works their butt off to build a race car, takes time away from their family, plops down a big chunk of cash and straps a helmet on.

I'm looking foward to 2014. Give me your feedback and help me drive this the right way.

we will survive. dave wants us here. lets make 2014 koh a sucess.
I for sure would have been on the list had I known about the sportsmans class with more time. I also know I have 2 guy's that would be on that list as well. I did not race last year, but I was there and said this would be a ton of fun. But I can not see myself hauling all the way out from the Mid-West to bash my stuff, break or sit in the rock's for hour's and not reace. I think with that in mind I hope that Dave would see that some clear structure for our class and what we as a group need would see some value in at least one more year. Throw it out what the plan for 2015 would be early and I am sure the list would be much bigger by now. We made our minds up to race out west this summer based on last UTV KOH on our 3 day drive home. Had we known that there would be a sportsman class we would have been planning for 3 days and building for it the rest of the year. Good luck to all of you and I hope this will not be the end of UTV at KOH. Sorry to run long but, if I knew we would be there in 2015 I will pay up now and be the first name on the list.
I have learned in life that in today's world (And I think it is sad) That it's not what you know, or how long you have been doing it, or how much heart and pride you have in something does not get you far. BUT in today's world it matters who you hang with and who you BLOW to get where you think you want to be. This Industry is A prime example of that slogan and that my friends is a sad thing. It's all just a big Blow bang!:mad:
Since it's Christmas, it probably isn't ok for me to tell you that you are an idiot and that is the stupidest post I've ever read.
Drama, Drama, Drama.
First of all they want UTV's at KOH. As usual its the few complainers making it hard on everyone else.
Second people commenting on rock crawlers having no respect for UTV's is complete nonsense. Different classes of rigs always have a rivalry and I often refer to UTV's as golf carts when I'm around my rock crawling buddies. It didn't keep me from building one up to race though. As a matter of fact The Arizona Undertakers who are arguable one of the hardest core rock crawling clubs in the country has probably fielded more 4400 racers than any other club in the world has at least 5 guys racing UTV's. One of the teams I'm sure most of you have heard of has won a few BITD championships!
It's worth it.

And Crowley, only 17? There are 16 pros on the Dec 6 list, plus one more listed in the vendor profiles. I know of at least one more that claim to have registered, possibly two.

I was really hoping for 50+ cars total. I can only guess as to the reasons for the low car count. Last year's course scared people? No rules available until early December? No title sponsor? Cost?

I like KOH, but if he cancels it for us, I guess that's that. Personally, I think if the rules carry over, and costs come down about 25%, the class will be huge next year.

Yup...you summed it up in a nut shell.
Hopefully Dave is using his comment as a ploy to get more racers committed. But I'm worried that the difficulty of the course last year is scaring some. But if they are scared, then they should enter in the Sportsman class and bypass some of the rough stuff.
Only 19 in the Pro class though, then maybe the rock obstacles won't be so jammed up...(Hey Brian, can you make sure I and the others are ahead of you before Elvis?)...J/K
25 racers is a good turnout for any utv race. Especially w those costs. I do believe the biggest utv racer turnouts have been at the soboba races where entry fees are much lower and with huge paybacks....
I think 20 to 25 cars entered to race is great. This is not a series. It's all or nothing. This isn't like testing your luck at a WORCS race. You leave the start line at KOH your car is never going to be the same. People are building purpose built race cars just for this. This is 100% about bragging rights.

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I personally don't think Dave is bluffing on the whole "last year of the UTV" thing... I know that he had contacted the head of another sanctioned race organization that has had some huge UTV turnouts this year and was interested in having said person run the SxS race at KOH... This didnt work out for whatever reason and i believe the extra stress is really pushing Mr. Cole into making some rash decisions... I believe that, if next year, he can get someone not necessarily affiliated with HammerKing to help organize and run the event, it could be a go... Me personally- I'm just excited to be coming out to race!

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