At risk of offending I will add my opinion. I might know a thing or two that can shed some light on the subject, but its just my opinion, and in no way speaking for Hammerking. I gave up that right almost three years ago.
The first thing that needs to be understood.
The first year that KOH was advertised Year 2 (not OG13) The race was limited to 43 teams, and we beat people away. It was a brand new sport, there was not even a car built to do the event when it was announced. Shannon Campbell invested in building a car for a sport he had never run.
Year 2 it was limited to 90, and we beat people off with a stick. Every year since it has continued to grow uncontrollably.
What was the best year UTV car count again?
Year 3 Rich Klein promoted a UTV race at KOH. Someone said it takes time to build? Is 5 years enough time and entries are declining not growing.
The 4WD industry embraces KOH, and dedicates marketing budget, effort, and invests in producing products around this event. There are and have been a number of tire companies that have built tires specifically for this race. Do any of you know how nuch money it costs to build a custom compound tire?
The fans buy merchandise by the truck load, and are loyal to the companies that help build the race.
UTV industry? Crickets.
Now that is not all the fault of the UTV industry. The best year IMHO for the UTV race was the year Mike Lasher took the reins and made it his own. He took ownership of the course, and promoted the event. The person leading the charge for UTV's has changed many times over the history of the race.
I even gave it an honest effort with the help of Reid from Kawasaki when I knew nothing about UTV's. (it contributed to my love for UTV's, but I thought they where a joke before Reid introduced me to what they could do.)
Last year Mike was not asked back for what ever reason, and Davin took title sponsorship. I am not sure of any details about last year, and I personally did not participate in any aspect of the UTV race.
This year it appears no one took ownership. Lets face it, Dave has his hands full with the Ultra4 series. It has the backing of the entire industry, has experienced massive global growth, and he has no trouble filling the class.
I know what it costs to add a day of racing during the week of KOH.
You guys are talking about 25-30 cars being good for a utv race. If you want that race to continue you need 50-75 cars, with growth and forward investment. You need industry investment in marketing the format, supporting the racers, and putting money into the event to keep it going. You need a dedicated volunteer who does not mind leading, working for free to build, support, and promote the UTV race. You need volunteers that will work road crossings, check points, and safety. You have none of that.
There is no doubt in my mind that there will be 1000's of UTV's in attendance at KOH, but getting those people to race and participate is a different story. UTV's are the hottest vehicle in the OHV industry, yet 25 cars is a good turn out to race? It does not matter what you race, at KOH your car is getting destroyed, it has nothing to do with the course. Its called racing, and YOU will drive the wheels off the car no matter what if you want to win.
Thats why UTV turn out is low, the people that buy them don't want to destroy them. There are a handful of people that have figured out they are a shit ton of fun to race, and are affordable when compared to other types of off road race vehicles. The problem is the industry has not promoted this properly. The problem is that UTV owners are not willing to volunteer to help build something for themselves.
This is not just a KOH problem, its a SCORE, BITD, WORCS, WHATEVERYOUCALLIT problem.
Simple math, you can't support a race series on 30 cars with low entry fee's and a cash purse. You can't keep asking for volunteers and hear nothing in return. The UTV race at KOH has been subsidized for 5 years now, and if it can't stand on its own, it only make sense to clip it.
Let this be a learning experience for the industry. If you can't grow the events, they are not going to last forever. It takes more than Car count. It take investment from everyone who is involved.
We all have a habit as off roaders of taking more than we give. No matter if its OHV access, events, or promoting our sport. Someone else will do that for me.
Curious Question? How many UTV people bought a wristband last year, made a purchase from a vendor who supported the event, bought a T shirt, or bought food from the burrito or hotdog guy?
How many of you buy from Wildcat Willy, SXS Performance, or PRP because they support events, or do you just go after the low price?
Newsflash guys, its not just the car count.
If you want to save this event, and it can be saved I am guessing, you need a plan, not empty promises, a plan. Dave is a businessman, and he will be more than willing to listen to a proposal that will put a little money and his pocket, and be self sufficient.
OR You just go enjoy the race for what it is and go pre run the course really fast with your buddies next year.
Disclaimer: I am not attending KOH this year, saving my vacation time for something new. Read ARMCHAIR QUARTERBACK.
Have a good day.
Jeff Knoll