We had a great time this W/E in Parker. While I can say that the Jagged X / Polaris Racing team has been plagued with some gnawing issues all year we keep digging and clawing to keep the podium in sight. Saturday was an awesome day and we all felt pretty good with two firsts and a second on the board. On Sunday morning with the 1919 and 1932 starting side by side, I was more worries about Brandon and Matt sparing off the line but like pro's they hopped in line and raced their asses off. Brandon got a little jump off the start but Matt ran him down on Shea road and was in clean air for a lap but then the desert demons started to come down and both cars lost a belt then Matt severed a rear shaft.
The down time was devastating in the end for both cars but we ended up with two finishes and enoght points to Keep Matt and the 1932 car in the podium hunt with only one race left. The dreaded double points Henderson race.
our Sportsman Entry plowed through the sand and silt both days with just enogh fuel to get to the checkerd flag but not quite enough to get up on the Ford Mesa. Thanks for the push guys.
Anyway, We had a good time and we are looking forward to Henderson and even more we are looking at next season with some new stuff on the horizon.
Thanks to all of our crew and each and every one of our sponsors!
You all make our program possible.