Are the rear trailing arms just 2 separate pieces of tube w/90 deg bends connected at the chassis and the spindle?
How are they connected to the spindles?
Pics are in the first post.
Nice write up Joe.
How did it fit in the Barstow groove?
How was the track width on the trail.
Were you bottoming out alot on ridge down the center of the trail?
I think a video of you snapping off a couple donuts will help us see the power. Your were able to make the FatRod play dead let's see what you can do with a Kitty.
There isn't a utv made that could NOT drag when riding in those trophy truck ruts but we rarely dragged. We stayed out of them with ease!
No crashing for me. We rode those kitty's hard as we could and they took everything we dished at em. I did launch the cat at the end if the day pretty gnarly. Mad Media has photo proof....
A little taste of what's to come....

There rear cv joint goes way into the hub almost like a mid board set up.Is the front this way?What is the over all width?
Pics in first post. Will verify width.
so i take it it is not going to be dual throttle bodies
Pretty sure it's single. I will verify.
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