Okay guys, going to try and swing something for everyone... How many of you are going to Moab in May for Rally On The Rocks?
If you would like to see the new Side X Side displayed at ROTR, contact your local dealers, have them contact their Territory/DSMs to put the word to Arctic Cat, "WE WANT TO SEE THE NEW MACHINE ON DISPLAY AT THE RALLY". Even if you aren't going, ask your dealers to pass on the word.
Arctic Cat is most likely going to have some presence at the Rally (decision is being made this week), so it would make sense to have the new machine there also. I've already put the idea to the marketing/special event folks at AC and one of the DSMs that covers that part of the US. They seem to like the idea, but if you all get the dealers responding, then it might just really happen....
Lets get the word out, we want to see this machine at the Rally... let Arctic Cat know, that they are going in the right direction, pursuing both the utility and sport market...
And even if you aren't a fan of Arctic Cat, contact your local AC dealers and let them know that pursuing the sport market will be healthy for all enthusiasts and we want to see the machine at the Rally. Competition breeds better machines... The sooner AC has this machine making the rounds, the sooner it'll push Kawasaki, Honda and Yamaha to get their sport machines going...
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