2011 Parker 250 Info & Roll Call

Best In The Desert just called and has reduced the Parker 250 entree fee for the UTV/DSR1 classes by $100.00. If you have paid already they will have a $100.00 refund for you at registration.
The reason for the refund is because we are racing 2 laps.

Hopefully that $100 is not from the payout part!
I am in the same boat. No race car. So if anyone needs a driver or co-driver I am interested!
Looks like we have 13 signed up and I know of at least one that will race sportsman. Anybody else coming?
Parker got alittle more rain last nite and early this morning. I was checking out the extended forcast for the weekend and it originaly called for rain fri. nite and sat. morning but now is just saying partly cloudy, but its going to be chilly!!
I highly doubt any will... most the short course r1s dont have even a passenger seat...
Awesome...don't know what a DRS1 is...but welcome! I still think we can launch 20 'Utes' on Saturday.

So what is the poop:
-Cory...gonna make it with the new Canned Ham?
-Is JX gonna bring a new XP?
-Is Lasher going to win or get his bumper stove in?
-SR1 going to finish?
-Yamaha consistancy?
-Arctic going to show?
-Who has speed...So Cal guys, Nor Cal guys, Nevada Vatos, the AZ Crew? Plus Arkansas.
-Young guys kicking A$$ or some old fart?
-Utes' faster than many of the quads?
-Do we race before sun rise?
-Will it rain
-Will Casey say 'booYaaa' during the drivers meeting?
I think he meant Desert SR1, as what it is on the entry form...

Jagged does have a new race car. They have been working to get it done for a couple months, but will NOT have it done for Parker. Unlike Cory, they are taking their time on it and doing it right the first time.

With a 715 first bike off the line, I do not think it will be dark out, but the sun will not be in a pretty position for a bit. Hopefully theyre will be a breeze nonetheless

I do know one thing, the winner will be coming out of Arizona :rolleyes:

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