2011 King Of The Hammers UTV Race Info **UPDATED w/ Pics**

Congrats to both Jagged X and Mitch G (who almost pulled off a three peat)

For those who missed this event, you guys missed a great one. It may not have turned out the way some wanted nor did some get the results they expected but I think all in all it was a very good event. The Underground group was huge and our spot could not have worked out better. I'm sure Rusty and Joey D will bring the event to life with all the pictures they took.

Wireless service absolutely sucked in Hammertown so we could hardly get texts to send let alone web updates. Sorry to those who wanted to follow online or were expecting more updates during the event.

Even though he didn't finish the event the Ironman award goes to Brit just for getting his car built and repaired before the event. He wins in miles driven that is for sure!

Bret Carter"s Teryx wins for ingenuity and with nearly zero time to test he finished with a very respectable 6th!

LTI also burned the midnight oil getting Nolan's Teryx done and unfortunately he was not able to finish but the car was a show piece.

I would like to mention something about each entry but I was a little pre-occupied to get a good chance to chat with everyone.

I hope you all consider coming out for the Hammer King Productions GP at Glen Helen later in the year. I know Jeff has some big plans for some future UTV events and I hope you all support them.
Great Event. I want to thank Reid for reserving us the best spot out there. Pictures to come shortly.

Rugged Radios saved my week by swapping out a bad intercom in my car. My new VIAIR system worked perfect. All in all it was great weekend except for my motor running a little rough and the machined bolt on suspension broke and I had to come up with a Presidential Solution.
Here's a teaser video of the UTV's comming down Elvis. BLM had control and did a great job, let alone Joey D held up the UTVrace for 20 min.HAHAHA This is how we have the best photo opps!
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mroW41GF_as&feature=player_profilepage]YouTube - IMG_0106[1][/ame]
CASEY CURRIE GETS DOWN IN THE ROCKS and helped people get out of his way so he can continue down ELVIS. Casey started the race with no winch and had fuel issues at the starting line wasting 1 hr.I found them at the top of elvis with a passenger front arm lying on the ground. Here's the fix and they made it down with no winch!
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v3ngab67zhs&feature=player_profilepage]YouTube - IMG_0117[1][/ame]
Huge thanks have to go to Reid. Without his involvement, I am not sure the UTV race would have happened at all. And the camp area was perfect. Out of the mayhem and dust.

We arrived Saturday and went out on a pre-run of the first 27 miles on Sunday. Elvis was pretty tough then, but it changed a lot during the week and by Wednesday the trail looked to be a lot easier.

After pre-running, we set about fine tuning our shocks with the help of the guys from Fox. They were a big help. Also worked with the guys from Rugged Radios. They tuned my antenna and we worked on a wierd noise that seemed to be generated by my power steering. Wally and I thought we had it licked during testing on Tuesday and Wednesday, but then right off the line on Thursday it was back. Ugh! Very nice though to have these businesses on the lake bed.

We were all set for the race on Thursday AM. We had the fifth position that turned into fourth when the guy in #1 had an engine issue. Our plan was to get to the front of the pack before Elvis. They sent us off 30 seconds apart and we got bunched up on the first hill climb just a mile out. The Arctic Cat that started first had problems getting up the hill. Things were backing up quickly and Rocker in the Tech 3 Teryx tried to get up the side hill. Wally and I had stopped and looked for an alternate line on Wednesday and did not see anything good, so we sat tight. Things finally broke through, but this gave everyone behind us an opportunity to catch up.

Once over the hill, we dashed off along the sand trails. We got past the Prowler and took a different line than Mark Turner and passed them. Only one left was Tech 3. At the top of the sand hill, we had spotted a little short cut and knew it could come in handy if we needed to pass. We took it and it worked perfect. We shot to the front and it was clear sailing. I backed off a bit to try and keep everything going well. Miles 2 - 6 were pretty uneventful, then my co-dog Wally said we had company. Damn, there went the Sunday drive plans. I stepped it back up a bit and Wally said it was a RZR. There were some huge whoops and I got a bit sideways and Guthrie was hauling the mail right there! Then kaboom! Passenger side front shock came right up through the hood. Crap. The shock tower had sheared right off. That ended our race right there between mile 6 and 7. What a dissapointment.

KOH is a great race, but I sure seem to have a monkey on my back. I really appreciate all the help from everyone that helped us get to the starting line. Truly bummed that it wasn't in the cards again.

Congrats to Jagged X, Guthrie and everyone else that finished. Just getting across that finish line is a huge accomplishment.

Next up for my Teryx (after we get a new shock tower built) - VORRA short course races in March and April. Then the Yerington desert race in May.

I sure hope that the race was successful enough for Jeff and Dave to do it again next year. For all of you on the fence, get working now and sign up early. Starting positions were assigned based on registration date.
Reid summed it up for me....I am so proud of everyone who came out and raced, supported, and particpated at this weeks KOH event! I dont have much online time right now but tomorrow will be updating with images and video!!! What an awesome event! But right now all thoughts are on Mark Turner who not only raced KOH but then left on Friday to go race ASCC where he was involved in a terrible roll over which has him in ICU currently. I hope he is ok........
We just got back...what a great event on all levels. I'll post up some more, but really need a shower right now BADLY!:D One quick comment...Mitch Guthrie absolutely hauls ARSE! We had a great race battling back and forth a couple times and I honestly can't remember having more fun during a race than this year's event.
The XP worked unbelievable well and honestly is in great shape despite being bashed through some really rugged terrain for an hour and twenty minutes and being virtually stock including no winch, no skids other than stock, and no other mods other than wheels/tires and a set of Elka shocks (aside from a few safety requirements like window nets, fire extinguisher, and a couple additional tubes added to the stock cage)...truly unbelievable machine out of the box.
Here is a quick video of Brett and Katie Carter pre-running Aftershock in their Kawasaki Teryx

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cx_BiqhFt20]YouTube - KOH 2011 - Kawasaki Teryx on Aftershock[/ame]
This event was unreal and these guy's and girls are a whole other bread of UTV racers.They go into this race knowing something is going to break at some point and are prepared to fix it! Congrats to all the finishers and entrants of KOH 2011. I am very impressed that there are still YAMAHA RHINO'S in competition,Way to go Brian B.
The POLARIS RZR'S own this course XP or not!

The man that is a huge supporter of UTV RACING and makes all this happen! REID NORDIN "AKA" Team Green!

Here is the line up!!
Wish we could have been there. Working on that Teryx for the last few weeks before this race was allot of fun. 6th place is a win for a one man build in a two car garage with a pipe bender and a welder. Bret designed every thing on this car and with the inspiration and backing of his wife Katie (not to mention she was his co driver) got the car done and finished a race that most people wish they could just go to let alone compete on that level. When you do this out of your own pocket with out a race team or a sponsor of any kind it is a Huge accomplishment. The time the other three of us spent on the car was very very small. Way to go Katie and Bret you took the win in my book. You guys are awesome.
The pit experience was amazing! Team HCR shared the remote, and there were 12 guys to look at every nut and bolt on the machine...and also where the driver swap was made. Everything went smooth as can bee.

Thank you all and hats off to the guys that work with Buzzy & HCR (and of course, Hubby Frenchy, and dear friend Donna)

Car 53 Joanne, co-drivers Jim and Brittney.



  • rzr53pit.jpg
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Here is the hill called ELVIS and the UTV'S were coming down!
1st car to the hill Mitch Guthrie,No winching

2nd down the hill JAGGED X,No winching

3rd car to the hill,Winched his way down.


HCR 4th to the hill and makes a pass.


HCR and Summers Brothers Racing











Just got home, We had a great time riding and camping with everyone! Camp was unreal, Weather was awesome, it was cool putting alot of faces with names. I am downloading some videos to put up...
That pic of camp is awesome!!! I didnt get any good pics of our set up but we had a solid location and a bunch of people......I would bet that our camp spot was the best in all of Hammer Town!

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