
The show was another HUGE success for the Underground. Together with 4130 Clothing we moved a ton of the new shirts, many to non UTV people! They just loved the design. The booth was always filled with people asking questions about the race cars, the fatrod, and the new RZR4.
The show was a blast and I really need to thank a few people....
First and foremost Austin Kimbrell for towing his car out from Arizona and spending the entire weekend in the booth with me. Austin was such a huge help and I had a ton of fun hanging out with him. Ohhhhh makes me wish I was 19 again..hahhaah
Chad and Grant George and the entire FUNCO team for also bringing out their car and spending some time in the booth with us. It is such a pleasure talking too and hanging with the Funco family. So much history and knoweledge. After our 250mile ride together last week I feel like we are family..hahaahh
Kyle Callen, thank you so much for hauling the FatRod up to the show and home for me, hanging out with us, and just being a great friend and help to myself and the Underground!!
I want to also thank Fred and Paul at Pro Armor and Todd and Brad at BEARD for hooking the RZR4 up on such short notice. It really came out fantastic with the new top, seats, doors, and other small accesories. It was a definite hit at the show!!!!
To the Entire and Familia! You guys are all so awesome. You not only have accepted myself and UTVUnderground with open arms but you guys have included us and made us feel a part of all you do to help grow, cover, and promote this amazing off road industry. Without these 2 awesome organizations UTVUnderground wouldnt be growing the way it is today. I look forward to many years of working together!!!
Reid Nordin of Kawasaki, Mike Lasher, Rusty5150, 4130 Clothing, Monster Energy, Synergy Graffix, Polaris Industries, Magnum Offroad, Lucas Oil, Jim at Totally Off Road Radio and all of our members and sponsors who came by to say hello and help put our booth together! Thank you to you all for playing a roll in helping us make sure we had the best UTV related booth at the show and for helping make the best UTV community on the web and in the world!!!
And also a special THANK YOU to the Lucas Oil Off Road Expo for including UTVUnderground in this event as the UTV media partner! We were thrilled to be involved at the event!!!
Enjoy the pics!!!