Here's the video of Lap 1. It ends up, when I came through the pit on lap 2 they didn't get my number, so they had me a lap down from what I really finished. According to Jacob, I placed 6th overall instead of 16th. Here's the first video, and I'll post the other two tomorrow afternoon.
YouTube - UTV Marketplace Race RZR...2009 Soboba GP Lap 1
The high quality version hasn't loaded yet, so I'd give it a bit to finish loading. Once it does, you'll see the "watch in high quality" link in the bottom right side of the video just outside the video screen. It will look a lot better if you play it on youtube and clicking that link. FYI, you can go into your account, then click Playback setup, and then select the "I have a fast connection. Always play higher-quality video when it's available." radio button, and this way it will always play in high quality automatically if you have a youtube account.