XR400 plates????

Rad Richi

OK, I have an 2003 Honda xr 400r I have tried to sell it with no luck. So now Im thinking of getting a street kit for it and making it street legal. I know it can be done because I have seen newer dirt bikes that are Cal plated.
So here's where I ask for your help... someone in the Underground must know how I would go about Cal plating my bike. Is it easy or not worth the hassle...:) any help would be appreciated...
There was a loophole a few years back...its been closed and was only good to 2002 model years and earlier. Only way I know now is you need a new frame with a non standard vin#. Your current vin# tags you as dirt only without CARB regs. My brother went through all this on his XR650R. He did the whole street conversion Baja Designs kit. He ended up selling it and getting one that was already plated after spending hours and hours at 3 different DMVs. Keep in mind though, that they will revoc the plates if they find they were issued wrongly.
moss is correct i had a 2001 xr 400 at i did the baja designs kit and got mine legal now with the new laws it really cant be done. There are guys that live for the xr400 you should get a fair price for it and look into a ktm or the suzuki drz or dzr .....
Thanks for the great info guys, I guess its not worth the hassle for a gamble.http://www.utvunderground.com/images/smilies/confused.gif I see newer CRF 450's with the plates on but I guess they new someone at the DMV or pulled something on the slide... Guess the 400's going back up for sale...

I have heard the ones you see with newer plates for the most part went to the dealer and ordered a replacement frame (different VINs that don't flag, but you still have the engine VIN but it gets overlooked a lot) and then switched everything over and did a street legal kit from a company like BD. Its not true in all cases as in some I have spoken to the owners and it was a slip up and they now know they are likely to have their plate revoked. Having to go through these loop holes is why you see such high premiums on newer tagged bikes. Easier to just go get a KTM/Husky if you want a Cali tag because it will cost you the same in the end....and yes I know its cooler to have a tagged Honda 450 but to each his own. I have a guy down the street with a tagged KX500 full desert bike...cool as shit but he only uses the tag to cross highways and such.

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