Will the 2013 KOH UTV Race Scare People Away or Bring More


This year's HCR King of the Hammers UTV Race was super tough. Many times harder than anything we have done in previous years. Only 3 out of 35 finished within the alotted time.

Do you think this will bring the race to a new level that brings more competitors or scare racers away?

So far I have heard more complaints about racing with the EMC guys and the time limit than how hard the course was. What say you?
It's going to bring a new breed of UTV modifications for people to finish the race. Watch RZR's become more tube buggy like, boat sided, and lead filled front bumpers to push guys out of the way. LOL
i think the low finishing #'s is motivation to build a rig that will finish. this is the type of race that is gonna test you, if it were easy either no-one would do it or everyone and their dog would do it.
My only concern is that we get more time. A lot more time. I would have liked to finished, and probably would have given another couple of hours....
Its going to be interesting...being three did finish, proves SXSs can do it and that means the course was not unrealistic and therefore may be pushed harder yet.
I heard that spectating was horrible this year, but I did not get a chance to get out there and see it this year. What's everyones thoughts on the spectating areas?
as long as you know where your going and have a ride to get there spectating is fine. It isn't a short course race by any means so there not gonna set bleachers up and pave the roads to the different obstacles. Although it would not surprise me if they had bleachers at Chocolate Thunder next year
spectating was great. pull up early for a good front row seat. sit in the utv to watch. drink a cold beer :) after having to take off your helmet :(
I think its absolutely going to scare people away. The question is, is that a bad thing or a good thing? It really depends on how you look at it. KOH is the toughest UTV race on the planet, it should be big and scary. You got to sack up to take it on!! Now, the negative is if it kills car counts to the point that Cole drops the class altogether. I am hoping that it motivates racers that competed this year as well as others who didn't race to say that they want to take on the most difficult race in the world!

My question is this. How many of those who raced KOH are going to race the rest of the Ultra 4 series? Dave said that UTV's are welcomed at all rounds now of Ultra 4 racing.
I think its absolutely going to scare people away. The question is, is that a bad thing or a good thing? It really depends on how you look at it. KOH is the toughest UTV race on the planet, it should be big and scary. You got to sack up to take it on!! Now, the negative is if it kills car counts to the point that Cole drops the class altogether. I am hoping that it motivates racers that competed this year as well as others who didn't race to say that they want to take on the most difficult race in the world!

My question is this. How many of those who raced KOH are going to race the rest of the Ultra 4 series? Dave said that UTV's are welcomed at all rounds now of Ultra 4 racing.

We have raced KOH for three years now. The last two years, we entered two cars, and I agree that last year was too easy and maybe this year was either a little too difficult for the time allowed, or that we needed more time.

We have no intentions of running any other Ultra 4 races this year.

We look forward to KOH, and will probably do it again next year. However, it will probably be in just one car, and we will build another to pre-run.

If I had to guess, I would think there will be less entries next year. A lot depends on how they set up the race next year, if there is a next year. It appears a lot of the EMC guys don't want us out there at the same time as they are. Without them, the publicity we would get would probably revert to previous years where we really got none.

It will be interesting to see what Dave does.
If we get a solid class showing, I would be down to run the Glen Helen race.
How many more rigs would've finished if there were no EMC rigs pluggin the trail?

Next year, I think you will get more entries and with better built rigs with more experienced drivers. Look for some EMC guys switching over.

Has anyone thought of a UTV only race at same location? If they cant start them on a separate day then you may see alot of this years entries drop out.
Agreed, Running the EMC guys with the UTV class wasn't beneficial for either class. From what little I got to see of the UTV EMC race they spent to some time tripping over each other. There were places that the UTVs could sail through but the EMC guys had hell so the UTVs wound up waiting. That coin played both sides so they too wound up waiting at obstacles that they knew they could pedal right through. I think if they're going to run them together again I'd put the UTVs out the gate first by about an hour. Between that and the UTVs ability to outrun them on the desert it would be a better deal for both classes.

More time is truly needed, 7 hours or whatever was kinda crazy considering the course. I'd say give them 10, at least. I think the same for the EMC's.

I didn't get to watch a lot of the UTV EMC race because I got to help in the pits but Friday we had great seat for spectating. I think its like anything else, go to the easiest places to get to and your going to be one in a million. Crunch a few rocks on the skid plate and you'll get the best seats with the best and smallest crowd:D:D
I say bump the Motos back with the utv's and run the emc guys on their own day. They can play well together and or run totally different trails.
I liked it. I would prefer more desert between rock sections however. We also should have had at least the same amount of time as the EMC cars. I only gave up because I knew if I fixed my failure I'd have to step it up speedwise to finish within time, and speeding up what is already a fast pace is a recipe for getting hurt.

I hope they have actual legitimate qualifying next year.

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