Will Honda sponsor drivers for the Honda Talon?


Banned Por Vida
Who will be this machine's first recognizable face? Will it be proven on one of the GNCC or similar circuits out east? How will the marketing program be launched in general and funding split between the coasts? Will they follow a traditional launch campaign for both machines? Who expects a long wait (or never) for a 50% higher HP or more machine @ 30K + (?)

Is anyone expecting a current driver or shop to jump ship?
...perhaps somebody could simply ask Honda: Who helped worked the bugs out or put in the most seat time during the Talon's development?
While realizing that many out there aren't familiar with American powersport factory racing dynasties, how they were built or their impact on the sport...when was the last time that a 'gap' of this magnitude existed in terms of the biggest names in the sport effectively silenced with no one proudly flying the Honda colors in the pits?

Whoever this flag bearer turns out to be, he or (hopefully) she will be a fan favorite given the Joe/Jill six pack disconnect we are witnessing today from elite and other racers not even willing to post (big) race summaries for their 'unwashed' fans.

Send us someone that we can be proud of, Honda. You built the dependable 20K car needed for the masses so let's see who the masses will be identifying with given your company culture.
I like how you ask then answer your own questions, BTW GNCC dropped UTV starting next season.

Per Davey Coombs who is heavily involved in the US Motocross Series, the GNCC series and the MXoN when it comes to America.

" It was a combination of things, many of which were correctly mentioned above (spectator getting hit, cars catching fire), including the changing insurance market. But in the whole big scheme of things we produce motorcycle- and ATV-events, and a UTV is much more like a small car than a dirt bike. They really didn't fit well with all that we do on any given weekend GNCC. Electric Assist mountain bikes, on the other hand, are much more like a motorcycle than a car and fit well with our existing disciplines and the way a whole GNCC is produced with the spectators often able to roam the courses and woods. "
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With no answers forthcoming regarding the disappearance of race teams no longer willing to share here while consumers are (still) expected to support their sponsors (not) ...I'm not sure how even my own questions could possibly be answered. Thanks for the updated info that I was unaware of (perhaps this was all over 'social media' and a hot topic the instant that it was announced for the reasons stated).

Here's a question that will certainly cause the messenger to be shot (again):
Given that there is Oz-like "pay no attention" consensus on UTVs catching fire or even spectators being injured with all of the major manufacturers, sponsors and even the racers themselves MUM on both not to mention a myriad of other safety issues...
why is the #1 most popular racing series in the world willing to just plain tell it like it is and always has been?

Small wonder that most every single racer/team/sponsor in the sport seems to be falling down (silently) on one side or the other or more accurately on the side where their bread is buttered today or might possibly be in the future.

I'd like to see Honda break out of the gate with this Talon coupled to a major safety campaign waking some of these manufacturers, racers and sponsors up to the fact that the GNCC did not cancel this series over attendance or interest in the sport. With the competing larger series being a safety nightmare somebody has to step in here with deeper pockets or this move and any continued silence afterwards will be all that needs referencing as preventable tragedies mount up both on and off the track.
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...by the way, the GNCC bombshell was dropped on Sept. 18th ( less than 2 1/2 months ago).
Has there been any evidence so far to prove that 'social media' (only) has adequately supported the discussions necessary to tackle these safety-related realities as the #1 legitimate media vehicle for a caring (cough) "community" of off road enthusiasts?

Or is this censored platform instead the preferred media used by high profile manufacturers, sponsors and racers to bury every single safety issue or discussion more effectively?

This Honda is certainly a disruptor on more than one level.

I would venture to guess the Honda TT team will have theirs hands all over this machine. Maybe they will race it in BITD for 2019.
I would venture to guess the Honda TT team will have theirs hands all over this machine. Maybe they will race it in BITD for 2019.

If a TT Team came in with anybody as experienced or less driving and won even one race anywhere this would forever disrupt the apple cart. "Only established drivers, driving established market UTVs birthed from established off road racing programs can possibly win in the BITD or any other major race" is the current belief. Any claim otherwise would be blasphemy in 2019.

it wouldn't matter to me if it was their motocross team, a hybrid or a new group of gunslingers. I'm still waiting for a manufacturer to bring some respect to the racing aspect of our sport or at least call for it. Even if Honda lost every race that they ever entered, I would like to see a cohesive/comprehensive/very public culture put in place with all of their racers living up to it.

"Big Red" could then be associated with not only quality but fixing many of the issues plaguing us for so long due to few frankly willing to talk about them publicly.
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If a TT Team came in with anybody as experienced or less driving and won even one race anywhere this would forever disrupt the apple cart. "Only established drivers, driving established market UTVs birthed from established off road racing programs can possibly win in the BITD or any other major race" is the current belief. Any claim otherwise would be blasphemy in 2019.

it wouldn't matter to me if it was their motocross team, a hybrid or a new group of gunslingers. I'm still waiting for a manufacturer to bring some respect to the racing aspect of our sport or at least call for it. Even if Honda lost every race that they ever entered, I would like to see a cohesive/comprehensive/very public culture put in place with all of their racers living up to it.

"Big Red" could then be associated with not only quality but fixing many of the issues plaguing us for so long due to few frankly willing to talk about them publicly.

You think the Honda desert race teams divulge secrets or Honda is going to change the UTV desert race scene? LOL! Winning one race does not disrupt the apple cart. Winning multiple race disrupts the apple cart. Look how long it took Can Am to get to a point they have almost as many cars entered as Polaris.

By the way a trophy truck driver racing a UTV in the desert is not a receipt for success. They drive them like they are a trophy truck and break them. Have you seen a Wildcat XX successfully race in the desert with a trophy truck or truck racer behind the wheel? Only success in the desert for them was when a UTV racer drove it.

I don't see Honda getting into a desert race program. A short course race program to compete against the YXZ is where I think they will head. Maybe they have someone race one at the King of the Hammers where a turbo car is not going to blow it away.

Honda would have to offer big money to entice one of the established UTV teams to make the switch. Most of the bigger money teams are in turbo cars.
You think the Honda desert race teams divulge secrets or Honda is going to change the UTV desert race scene? LOL!

Rusty mentioned the 'TT' team not Honda's desert race team. Nobody said anything about Honda's "secrets", Honda divulging any or Honda "changing the desert race scene". If Honda's road race team (Rusty's comment) won even one race with a less than established driver (my comment as Honda didn't even use a recognizable face for their campaign) an apple cart would definitely be upset (scenario driven fact).

"...one race does not disrupt the apple cart. Winning multiple race disrupts the apple cart. Look how long it took Can Am to get to a point they have almost as many cars entered as Polaris...."

A single Honda win with this car might not disrupt your cart...yet it would certainly result in some sleepless nights for a few product engineers/CEOs who have bet the farm that Honda would not be a player in this market. As in life, winning races every day is not the measure of a man or what he creates. The average consumer couldn't tell you who won what, where, when or why.

"...By the way a trophy truck driver racing a UTV in the desert is not a receipt for success. They drive them like they are a trophy truck and break them. Have you seen a Wildcat XX successfully race in the desert with a trophy truck or truck racer behind the wheel? Only success in the desert for them was when a UTV racer drove it...."

Agreed. I'm hoping that one of the Honda engineers or hourly employees who builds these/races them on occasion climbs in to one someday and beats both. The sport needs a JoeSixPack winner that they can relate to with the GNCC now a distant memory (no disrespect meant to anyone in particular) and possibly Honda can find her (preferably, as who doesn't love to witness a female adding insult to injury). ;)

I don't see Honda getting into a desert race program. A short course race program to compete against the YXZ is where I think they will head. Maybe they have someone race one at the King of the Hammers where a turbo car is not going to blow it away.

They might not with the GNCC now history and obviously no one caring all that much. Why stick a bunch of money in to racing programs (not all but most) that really don't care much about enforcing rules, safety in general or where races are even held? I can't see much that I would stake a company's honor around there (which the Japanese at least have 'some' sense of) and I'm of the opinion that more bad publicity will be forthcoming not to mention preventable safety-related carnage.

Honda would have to offer big money to entice one of the established UTV teams to make the switch. Most of the bigger money teams are in turbo cars.

With Honda's focus on culture, I can't see them offering anything to any team who didn't match what they stand for closely which would be a pretty far stretch given the sport's history to date. Few teams stood for anything resembling respectful culture, community or even safety when they freely posted here over the years before many were told not to. This might have been part and parcel responsible for Honda never reaching out to established figures publicly when developing/unveiling this car as has been done in the past. I'm not sure either that Honda is necessarily in to the 'party' atmosphere which has developed around this sport with no reins put on the fun whatsoever (again, culture and reputation being a long guarded methodology to success for them).

We'll see.
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...I would also add that if Honda can convince that they simply have the most reliable car out there when a family is 'x' miles from their trailer with no backup whatsoever (common) and the threat of their precious 20K car not being there when they further by the grace of God make it back out(?) (with a hefty recovery charge already in hand)...pouring big money in to 'racing' or 'throwing parties' might not seem a wise investment for the return.

A reputation for quality, always debatable in our current global sourcing environment, allows a company to write their own rules in a sport with no real 'community' of consumers obviously making them or any brand loyalty whatsoever on the horizon. The present fear of actual (proven) engineering birthing possibly easily marketable 'everyman' cars built for the longer haul is just not debatable in my opinion with the fiascos/tragedies that we have witnessed to date.

Possibly 'not' racing in the current environment says more about Honda than racing ever would or could until major changes are made inside the sport.
I think it is comical to think Honda is going to produce a sport SXS that is built to withstand the "hold my beer" type driver or much of what the public will put the Talon through. Maybe with the 104hp people will be less apt to get themselves into trouble.

All the current crop of sport SXSs are reliable, if you take care of them. Routine maintenance is so important for an off-road toy.
"..I think it is comical to think Honda is going to produce a sport SXS that is built to withstand the "hold my beer" type driver or much of what the public will put the Talon through. Maybe with the 104hp people will be less apt to get themselves into trouble..."

104 HP is about 4 times the power of what was "getting (owners) in to trouble" not 15 years ago when the UTV market was birthed. The "hold my beer" portion of our market should never be compared to withstanding anything or legitimate comparative standards (period). "I" find it comical that we cannot (apparently) even discuss how these cars are made in terms of safety or how to build/outfit a safe car...yet we are immediately all over Honda for not producing cars "built to withstand" drunk driving.

"...The current crop of sport SXSs are reliable, if you take care of them. Routine maintenance is so important for an off-road toy..."

I think that Honda might be saying:...don't put on a mask, safety glasses and a respirator to blow out every nook and cranny in your transmissions, spend time cranking your head/neck/entire body around in there inspecting everything for 'wear' or replacing 'wear parts' bound to fail (including cheaply built transmission bearings, etc.) and instead?...
...simply change your oil(s) when it is time.

"Routine maintenance" and "reliability" simply have different meanings to different people. ;)
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