Yamaha Which engine to swap?!


Hey guys I am new to the Rhino community. I just bought a full roller built for desert racing, and I'm so freakin stoked about it! :D Now comes the tough part.. Which engine to go with?!

I know there are days and days of postings on here about engine swaps, R1, Rotax, SV's, etc.. But what about desert racing on series like BOR (I'm from UT) and Best in the Desert? What are these guys running?

The SR1's look soooo sick, but I don't know about the BITD qualifications (like requiring reverse).. There is one dude on here claiming to have successfully done an R1 swap while preserving 4wd and reverse, but it sounds a little debatable judging by the forum. What about the Rotax swaps? They seem pretty straight forward and reliable, but is the power there?

I would REALLY appreciate any info, advice, guidance, or pointers you guys are willing to offer.. I'm like a sponge at this point just trying to soak as much info. in as I can!

If you plan to race BITD either replace it with stock or go 1000cc bike motor. I have a can am Spyder 990cc Vtwin motor that HAS factory reverse. I have lots of motors laying around but never have had the opportunity to swap that one into anything. It would be good for racing as evolution cycles in california has pistons/cams that will make the motor put down 150HP at the rear wheel on a spyder and it is still a pump gas motor at 9.5:1 compression.

I have had two CBR1000 motors and they make more torque that the R-1 and are cheapr but you are on your own for getting everything figured out.

Put an R1 in it and come race BITD with us. I have rumor of five cars preparing for next years DSR1 class. It will be a blast.

Did you buy my old car?

Thank you for the advice everyone.. There is definitely not a shortage of options!

Rupert14 - Yeah it is your old car. I think we pretty much ended up with everything except a few things (front dif., Parker air pump, gauge cluster) and the engine obviously. My dad and I picked it up hoping to build it this winter, do a few BOR races up here to get the bugs out early in the year, then come down and race BITD with you guys.

It sounds like we definitely need to get together, both for an engine as well as some pointers while building it. Do you say either a stock engine or a 1k cc bike engine because that is the threshold between classes, or is there another reason you skipped the rotax bbk's, etc?

Thanks again.. We can't wait to get started on it!
If you plan to run BITD it needs to be either a stock case or a bike motor of up to 1000cc. You can swap anything you want, even over 1000cc but you will be in the sportsman class all by yourself.

Another reason I skipped the others is very simple........cost.

ANY motor other than a bike motor will cost more money and have other issues to overcome. All the motors (rotax, teryx, etc) will need modifications (expensive) to be a significant advantage over a stock motor and NONE of them will hold a candle to a bike motor.

With my pro unlimited championship car (Whiplash which does not mean much) I ran a CBR1000. I stopped at the gas station before every race and fueled up. I changed the oil THREE times all season with ZERO issues. I raced at the same time as the RYR rhino and it was no contest. There is a place for other swaps but they are $$$$. I saw a CBR 1000 on ebay last week for $800 complete with fuel injection etc. If a bike motor has ANY problem, you just replace it. It costs more to open the case and look into it than to replace it. Cheap power, reliable, stock fuel injection, minimal maintenance. I would go bike power all day. Now just pick your motor.

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