we finished king of the mountain


IlliNOISE - UTVUnderground Approved
just got home and what'd you all to know we finished the king of the mountain race 16 utvs started and by the end of the 1st lap i think 5 were all ready out one guy made it like 1000 feet from the start then hit someone and couldn't get his rzr going and another guy rolled his rhino like 3 times down the first big hill and was out teryx lost a rear wheel. we ended up hit from behind and are gear linkage got messed up and had to have it in the low spot for high and hand to fight it to go into reveres so we ended up pitting after the first lap for that and didn't have any more problems in tell the 2nd to last lap ill post up some more later and try and get some pics up and a pov video at some point we got 5th or 7th the guy wasn't sure when i asked at the end i think 8 or 9 finished the race out of the 16 that started
oh man I got to see these pics and vids!! I heard this race was a real hoot and full of carnage!!!! Thanks for posting spangs!!! Rep it up!
Hey Guys, sitting in Nashville waiting for a plane ride home. Thought i would jump on really quick and give you guys some info. The King of the Mountian was an absolute kick... The carnage was awesome! Most of the races said the course was so tough that if they had pre run it first they wouldn't have raced it. The competitors did a 5 mile loop in the woods and unfortinatly it rained most of the day which made some of the hills even more difficult. once they jumped into the events area there was a high speed straight that went into a 180 that had 3 foot deep moguls followed by a mud pit. After they made it out of the mud pit there were a series of 18" diamiter logs that you had to go over followed by a 100 foot tire pit and then a good set of rocks and two crushed cars you had to climb over. Some guys even had to pull out their winches to make it over the obsticals.

We'll have results and pictures up tomorrow for everyone to see.

It was a stock Polaris RZR with Walker Evans shocks that won. He was able to 16 laps in the 4 hours and had a two lap lead on the guy in second place.
Ill be working on my video to get it online hopefully tomorrow it goes for about 10 min and we only got like a ¼ of a lap in when it turned off right when I had to back down from a 15 inch or so rock step up when my gear linkage went out of line and we had to fight a log out of the rear when we pulled over to let people by you can see the rhino off in the wood in the video that rolled. This was so insane of a im glad I didn’t I never raced in the woods Intel then and now we are planning on doing some GNCC races and maybe do a road trip some time to go out west and do a long race one day out there
here are some befor and after shots of the teryx no action shots yet ill have to get one of the skid plate tonight it is dented pro armor should send me one :)



here is a pic of us going over the logs at the top you can find more at the utv weekly site

it has me as a yam im no yam am a kaw o well still got 5th:D that was an awesome race Evan thaw a lot of racers a crying about it on the rzr forum the track crew and all the vultures did a great job on it and we are already looking at going aging next year with a couple of changes to the teryx but im sure there will be some new crazy addition to the cores
i got the video up on my photobucket page and hopfully this will work for you it goes for about a half lap then we messed up are gear linkage and pulled off for a sec iand i turned the camra off

i forgot how much fun that race was. i hope they put one on next year and i can find something to ride back there.
ya we are planning on doing it next year but this time we are going for the win and not just seeing if we can make it to the end

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