We all love a good FAIL video... Polaris RZR fail / barrel roll..


[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4-jrVbr4AM"]POLARIS RZR GETS DESTROYED - YouTube[/ame]
now that guy has no talent at all, he just stayed in the throttle untill it would not go any more. Cant call the insurance man either since he was racing in an event, he sure cost himself a ton of dough.
Actually looked like a Lonestar kit in the front .

I like how you dudes whom are associated with another (I wont name names) suspension manufacturer are so quick to come in here and throw another manufacturer under the bus without any proof what so ever. :rolleyes:

Its clearly not a Lonestar suspension on that car.
I understand nobody wants to be associated with a failed part but the reality is most if not all kits out there would have failed in that situation. He hit pretty hard. Not that I condone running your mouth when you don't know the facts!:rolleyes:
Theres only one thing that would have saved that deal.....less right foot
ANY KIT that runs ball joints would have "failed" in that situation. He CRASHED, so if I hit a curb doing 50 in my truck and break a wheel would that be a failing part? :confused:
I run a boxed arm setup with uni-balls and a chromolly wheel spindle (pretty much as strong as it gets) and something still would have got messed up. Heck maybe even bent the front frame area. Lonestar makes a great suspension setup that would proably be perfect for that kind of track, just don't believe in tubed arms for rocky desert racing......
Wow, that was quite a ride. Definitely looked like he stayed in it too long but not much you can do when it starts bucking like that.

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