Volcano Ride August 23rd-25th

Post a ride over here and not one response

Whats up with That?

You guys have like a black ball list over here?

or are you all just kinda clicky?

One may kinda think that with No-responses:eek:

or there is really No-one here?

What is the point of being a Member here?

Whats the Story any-one know????

Any-way we had a Great turn-out with Awesome People:)




That looks like an awesome ride. Where exactly is this? I'm guessing central to northern Cali...I'll say it'll be on my bucket list for sure
That looks like an awesome ride. Where exactly is this? I'm guessing central to northern Cali...I'll say it'll be on my bucket list for sure
Hi, The Volcano ride is in MT Shasta:)

We plan on doing The "Volcano Ride" Every-Year:)

We only had 18 SxSs this year, Not to Shabby

With that in mind for the 1st Volcano ride

We are planing on having about 50-100 SxSs for 2014 Volcano ride:)

May-be to get more hits and replies on this Board?

I should call the Ride>>> "LA FALMILIA" Volcano Ride:)

Hows that sound?

Sounds very clicky to most

Any-way I feel that is why I did not get, but only one response for a Ride

I see this and many other folks can see that this maybe a Clicky Site.

When it is right out there in front of every-ones face to see

That we are not good-enough for this site nor do we fit into the click:)
O.K like I said in an early post

Its like I am really talking to my-self here!!!

Well I have made many mistakes in my life-time that I never knew what they where

Cause no one would tell me. So I was never able to correct my-self on those things that

I never knew what I did that was Wrong

With that being said. I will let UTV-Underground know what they did wrong.

This is only for this site's improvement and I really hope this help's in keeping Members

and Vendors around.

This will be my last post-here, because I was totally ignored here by most

Even the Owner could not comment on my Ride, Pics or Videos I posted over here

It made me feel like what a waste of my time and effort to post here

No matter who we are. We all need to be acknowledged

That is just fact and humane nature

So just for the sites success, acknowledge every-one

With-out that you will have Nothing, Cause Members like Me Build the site

With-out Members your site would be Belly-up

Vendors would no-longer want to pay to advertise here

If not for members here

So just to let you know? What UTV-Underground did Wrong

Was Not Acknowledge us All
Beach... Not sure why your post isn't getting much response as it sounds like a great ride. You make a valid point that I should try harder to thank you guys individually for contributing to our site by posting these runs. I know the La Familia guys probably think the same thing. I try to keep up with all the posts in the forum but I am pretty darn swamped.

I too would be discouraged if I was you but don't let it run you off. Maybe it's location, timing or whatever but I can tell you, while LF is a ride group they are probably the most welcoming group you will ever spend time with.

With that said, I do appreciate the time and effort you put in here.
On another note, sometimes a quick email or message (pms aren't always good as I get a ton) to notify me of a thread like this helps. I would love to help you all grow your own rides and events!! joeyd@utvunderground.com
Thank You for your quick response Joey

I speak from the heart

And Truly respect You

You are prolly right

Thanks again
For some reason lots of people read threads on here but don't comment I have noticed that myself. Still a great forum though. There are a few things I really like about the forum that other ones don't do.

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