Volcano Ride August 23rd-25th

Beach Leo

Hey Every-one, Us norcalsidebysides riders would really like

socalsidebysides riders to join us:)

The very 1st Volcano Ride and Saturday Afternoon B.B.Q

Will Take place the week-end of 23-25 in August 2013

Put this on your calenders guys and gals

We have great camping spots in Mccloud, California

Thats right at the base of Mt Shasta

Make a weekend of it:)

Ride the Active Volcano

It for certain will be fun

Well Rode the Volcano with 4 other norcalsidebyside riders on Sunday

Did 72 mile ride

Would have made it all the way around the Volcano

If I would have brought some more fuel for my 10 mpg RZR

Any-way it was a great Ride

So those who are going to go on this ride

Bring extra fuel, It is prolly going to be a 100 mile ride

We already have about 10 others signed up for this Ride on other Forum

So it is going to be a great Turn-Out with Awesome People


You really will not be Disappointed

I guarantee it

1. Beach Leo

Volcano Ride Aug. 23-25!
Ride the Volcano!

1. BeachLeo
2. DanNorCal & rzrbabe
3. CrazyCooter
4. E P L
5. Jimandatyra
6. kbutcher88 & Fancy1
7. Diggin Degan
8. washrepair
9. Ba71camaro
10. RangerBurger
11. Motosx
12. PurpleThunder
13. eigermike
16. jim09s
17. chapzr
18. raiderandy
19. gamdrvr
20. racr1705
21. gamdrvr
22. DAVID T.

Get signed up!
Hey JoeyD you there?

This ride is really shaping up:)

Would really love to have you here:)

MadMedia and you may wanna come on up:D

Every-one would really love to see one of your write ups on this area:D

Beside that your pics and Video would really Pop:)

Add your name

It for certain will be fun

Add your name

1. BeachLeo
2. DanNorCal & rzrbabe
3. CrazyCooter
4. E P L
5. Jimandatyra
6. kbutcher88 & Fancy1
7. Diggin Degan
8. washrepair
9. Ba71camaro
10. RangerBurger
11. Motosx
12. PurpleThunder
13. eigermike
16. jim09s
17. chapzr
18. raiderandy
19. gamdrvr
20. racr1705
21. gamdrvr
22. DAVID T.
23. gridmen
24. dartersracing
25. darterdad
26. Johnnycat8
27. BigMike58

Get Signed up!
The Shasta Trinity Forest offers over 5000 miles of trail and roads you can ride on

That Can-not be Beat in the lower 48

If it can? Show me
For those of you that have never road up here

It is beautiful, scenic, and awesome

It is just cruising in the Forest

The long sweeping corners are a blast to Drift

You can get up to speed if you are into that

Our last trip I hit a top speed of 54 mph, thats what the gps said

This Video will give you a great idea of what the ride will be like...Enjoy

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=irG6aI3jGeQ"]Fun Ride 11 27 - YouTube[/ame]
Any-way did you know that on your way to Dune-fest?

That you past by an area offer about 4800 miles of more Riding!

Than there....
Wow come over to the Underground to post a ride up

Do not seem to get much interest over here in riding?

This for certain is one of the best spots in the nation to Ride and Camp

It can-not be beat, No-matter how hard you try

If you can find a spot in the lower 48 with over 5000 miles of trails

Please let every-one know, Better yet post up a ride there
May-be I just am not posting enough over here?

Any-way a few of us went on pre-ride to see

If we could make it all the way around Volcano

Well we are in the record Books

To the best of my knowledge Ed, Barry, Jim and my-self are the 1st

To ride a SxS all the way around the Volcano

Any-way it was lots of fun. Ed did a great job of navigating the west side

I think on main ride we will take a vote to see if you-all wanna take a chance

Will post some pics as they load

It was great meeting Jim and seeing Barry and Ed
Here is our record breaking riding stats


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