Got some good video. I turned it over to Stumpwerks. Should be ready by end of the week
So.....the Russian dude.......
Got some good video. I turned it over to Stumpwerks. Should be ready by end of the week
So.....the Russian dude.......
Big thanks to ]Slackers Tow service [/FONT], they'll be another thread on it
Haha if not for Rich's Tow Service there would have been no Slackers Tow Service so you're welcome, and thank you. We need a picture of you towing me and then me towing you and then one of Dave and his streaking stunt. That really freaked out the poor guy from Washington Did he have to wear the red hat? the boots I can see for rocks but I didn't get the hat
It was a great time. We did do a lot of trail management and went on a fun ride. I do have a new respect for the Polaris ranger. Man that thing can tow anything from tree branches on the ground to a rzr. Chris you did a great job maneuverimg down the hill thank you rich for organizing this trip. I look forward to our next adventure
But we got some of our signs up
We should have gotten some pictures of RZRCSI. WOW!!! I mean I know people are different when they drink but holy cow, I never saw all that coming.
Had a great time with great people. Wished I could of stayed longer though. And thank you Bill for breakfast and the clean underware. Scott ,thanks for the ride in your RZR XP4 and most of all for the tour of the forest!!! Oh's a picture of Jim after a few drinks.
I don't remember a thing about that.... Hmmmm
Thanks all for a great time !!
Don't you remember you showing Chris,Dave and Rich your tattoo in your trailer???