the stripping shop
RACER - UTVUnderground Approved
well were do i start i would like to thank everyones wifes and girlfriends because it was stress full on both ends, irc didnt work for a will so everyone was wondering wat happen phones would work in and out. Lets start at the beginning we go to start the rzr to go to tech & the battery dies, i guess thats when we should of realized it was going to be a long day. I meet joey for the first time sorry it was short but we were running so behind and we still had to pick up craig at the airport. The start of the race was our best part we passed jagged and others i want to say we were running 3rd or 4th by the 1st pit alot of teams pitted. Then we got to pit2 running 2nd or 3rd we gassed checked the car over and jagged beat us out of the pit.Then the long wait at pit3 as we sat there waiting the radio started to work not good. The belt or clutch were stuck in high so they pulled over to check it. It would come down to the seconddary clutch, the four bolts that hold the helix in broke off. Luckly they broke down right by a volunteer and our phones were working. So we meet the guy at the highway and sent him with all the parts. So we headed back to pit3 and waited. When they finally arrived we were dead last so we new we were in our own race. When this was all happening we had got a stock secondary clutch from jagged. thank you jagged x for that clutch. we only had secondary clutch that was experimental and we had 430 more miles to go and we didn't want to take the chance. So again thank you jaggedx. Now its my turn to get in and drive. When we took off clutching way off but it was still moving but will your driving the car would break off left or right felt like alingment or rear end was loose. So we head to the next pit and found the rear axle was going in and out of the rearend so we put another axle in and headed down the road car was just loose the rest of the race i think we bent something in the rearend. when we arrived at pit5 i want to say that is were most of the utv class was broken at. So we motored on almost to pit6 the axle comes out again, so we get back out fix it and start moving again we get to the pit change the axle again. Then we have every top team come to us and says here comes the cars they are about 5min out. So me and jeff get back in the car with our butts a puckering we motor on. Before we are even a mile out the first car catches us. we learned if you pull about 20yrds off the road and point so your co-driver can see, wait until you cant see the dust ball coming its clear to get back on course. I like to call the dust ball, "hell fire" because there were time 2 to 3 cars right on each other at times. We just ran our own pace tell about mile 250 we ripped a brake line, out came the vise grips,tape and zip ties. We get back in the car all buckled up and there is no fuel pressure. I think the fuel system vapor locked so i put a new fuel filter on released all pressure and it started working again. We motorted on again to pit at mile 281. jerome and craig take over duties they get about 5 miles and the axle comes out again. they put it back in get to the pit we take the axle back out and put a new clip in break the clip bend the next one down to last clip. I was thinking about welding a wrench across so stupid axle wouldn't come out. On the last clip we would get the axle in but wouldn't stay in so i found a oil ring put it on then clip the axle never came back out. they motored on to next pit you can say we were racing the 1938 car but us and them were just trying to get to the end. At pit13 we got them ready for the long trip we couldn't get to pit14 in time so we were skipping that pit and goining to meet them at pit15. As we waited with irc on the laptop we see the 1938 car stop then about 10min later we see us stopped right before pit 14 now we have to wait. 45min later they start to move now with no communication we have to see if they are going to stop at pit14 or keep going. They keep going which was good because the only way to get to pit14 from pit15 was a 88 mile drive. As we waited me & jeff new we were getting back in the car so we napped and waited for them. When they arrived to pit15 they told us they broke an upper a-arm bolt. They were going through a silt bed and couldn't see the bottom and hit something. We learned our little guy craig turns into a human jack. He laid down and used his legs to lift the front end. Now it was mine and jeff turn to get in and finish this race. I want to say casey saved the roughest part of the course for the last 10miles. when we crossed the line about 4:00 am i was out of it. I want to thank my dad for being our head crew chief and putting up with my shit, i dont think he slept the entire time. jeff daugherty for being my co-driver and all the hard work he put in. Craig hein from ATD co-driving and fixing the car on the race course. Jerome vinagro/ acs racing for his attitude and support of all the crap that went wrong, we actually had all the tools and parts to make it to the end. rito from the stripping shop thats me making it to the end on our second try. kroyer racing for the motor that didn't miss a beat. Full circle auto body for the paint job. glendale steel for the metal. hpd racing for the rear end. We did this whole race with 5 guys and one truck i think that was the greatest accomplishment ever.