UTVGuide.Net's AC Prowler Long Travel Kits

I like it, but it's always going to be a step child! :D P.S., It's been a great night for partying!!!!!
My stock American made Prowler would kill my stock Japanese Rhino! Everything being equal the fit n finish is the only place the Rhino comes close to competing. As far as reliability and performance the Arctic Cat kills the Rhino! Who has ever finished the Baja 1000? Which UTV? The American made one did. Rhinos are dead! There time has come and gone.

Who started this SXS racing? Not john deer?? And still the most popular sxs around??? RHINO's
Listen boys.....The Rhino is the king of the SXS's due to its design and reliability. BUT the Rhino is being passed up by manufacturers like Kawi and Artic Cat because they are giving us enthusiasts what we want and that is better handling and more importantly MORE POWER!! Lets not lose sight of the fact that just because we own a Rhino or RZR or whatever that the other machines out there dont have their strong points. The arctic cats havent been widely popular for a couple of reasons but I will tell you right now, with this new 1000 WATCH OUT!! Just like the Teryx took off this last year, 09 may be the year of the Kitty!!!!

Yamaha needs to step up if they ar going to hang onto Market share!! Dan Dan The Handy Man Fernandez, before you jump Hapa's poop, just know he has one of the baddest Rhinos around!! He loves him some Rhino!!! But his new AC will smoke us all...and he is right, besides the RZR only the Arctic Cat has finished BAJA!!!!!

Ok so remember this threads purpose is to discuss AC LT's!!!!! Magnum's will soon be on that list!!! As will a host of other manus this year!!!
My stock American made Prowler would kill my stock Japanese Rhino! Everything being equal the fit n finish is the only place the Rhino comes close to competing. As far as reliability and performance the Arctic Cat kills the Rhino! Who has ever finished the Baja 1000? Which UTV? The American made one did. Rhinos are dead! There time has come and gone.

The engine reliability has YEt to be determined!!!!:confused:
Sniff Sniff thanks Joey
but i could of taken them.

And Yes Magnum will have long travel for the Prowler XTZ 1000 before the end of the month most likely!
Fernandez Racing is my homeboy........he loves his Rhino!!! He is a part of Los Rhinos Locos!!!!
And Yes Magnum will have long travel for the Prowler XTZ 1000 before the end of the month most likely!

I have added Magnum to the list. Make sure I get some specs and pictures to add as soon as they have something.

Rick, do you know what arm width? How about shocks?

Can't wait to see it!

I have added Magnum to the list. Make sure I get some specs and pictures to add as soon as they have something.

Rick, do you know what arm width? How about shocks?

Can't wait to see it!


6 over with King double bypass shocks with 300m axles, i think? maybe you should ask Dano
Ya I dont think they are dual bypass? it just sounds cool. but they are Kings
HCR Racing's Prowler long travel kits are $3,999.00 shipped...and use utvug as the coupon code during checkout for free shipping. They're fully boxed arms, tig welded, summer's brother's axles, king shocks, etc.



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