Two Minutes to Stop Closure of 780 miles of Trails in Sierra National Forest

The Lyin King

Public Lands Advocate
In just Two Minutes you can help stop the proposed closure of 780 miles of roads and trails which are vital for recreation as well as access for management to promote forest health in the Sierra National Forest. Please ACT NOW there only a few days left to get your comments in by the 6/30/09 deadline.

These trails lead to vistas, scenic byways, secluded lakes, creeks and primitive camping. None of these trails have been proven to affect water quality, habitats, or plants. However unless more people speak up in favor of preserving these great trails it is likely they will be lost forever.

Please ACT NOW comments are due before 6/30/2009. Click below and create your letter to Sierra National Forest to help keep trails open by using our pre-drafted comments in conjunction with your own personal comments, it takes just Two Minutes.

Save The Trails

Please remember to add a little personal information about you, your family and how much you enjoy our form of recreation.

Please share this link with your friends, lists and post it on blogs.

~Thanks your friends at Stewards of the Sierra National Forest

This campaign is supported by Save The Trails, Stewards of the Sierra National Forest, Recreation Outdoors Coalition, Sierra Access Coalition, CORVA, National Off Road Association and others.
My Letter

"Our family spends many enjoyable hours recreating in our National Forests, National Parks and on BLM lands with our OHVs.

The Sierra National Forest DEIS, covering Fresno, Madera and Mariposa Counties, appears to be a road and camp closure scheme to curtail recreation by closing more than 780 miles of routes, both historical and National Forest Transportation System roads, and closes most camp access roads. Local businesses will suffer because of the closures and the associated loss of recreation.

The OHV community generally supports the idea of travel being limited to designated roads, trails and areas. We are also in support of a thorough environmental review and analysis as well as ongoing monitoring and maintenance of the OHV infrastructure. Indeed, we as an OHV community have voluntarily taxed ourselves in order to provide funds to the agencies involved so they can actively and effectively accomplish these tasks. What the OHV community does not support is being presented with a "range" of management alternatives where many or all of the alternatives represent a significant reduction in OHV opportunity.

The Sierra Forest staff stated during the Scoping period that it was not the purpose of Travel Management to unnecessarily close routes. Alternatives in the DEIS show many routes omitted from maps.

Continued public access to the forest roads in these areas is critical to outdoor recreational opportunities as they have historically provided access to many creeks, streams, rivers and hunting locations for residents and visitors to the area. These forest roads have provided OHV opportunities and allowed our children to experience the wonders of nature.

Please consider adding OHV routes to the system, not taking them away!

Thank you for your time and consideration.

NOTE: Be sure to respond to the confirmation email that you'll receive from or your comment will not be sent. This confirmation email may go to your "Junk Mail" folder depending on how you have your email set up.

View submission results here . . . Save The Trails to see if your letter made it through the submission process.
Time is running out!

Many thanks to those of you who took two minutes to get involved in this!

If you haven't already done so and even if you don't live in California . . . please take two minutes to help out our fellow OHV folks.

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