All UTV's Trail/Sand Dunes

Not a T-4 owner, my ride is a 2011 T-2. I have had some experiance with both the T-4 and 800RZR4.In the sand,(Glamis), the 800RZR4 seemed a little underpowered. Had the throttle mashed pretty much all the time, and even mashed, it wouldn't make Olds Hill with 4 fairly small adults.I'm definately Not a fan of the nets, and I thought it was a bit of a PITA to get in and out of.I have not driven a T-4 in the sand, but I think it was John Crowley(Crow Dog), who made a video of a stock machine,(with paddle tires), that looked like it was more than capable.Most of my T-4 driving has been woods/tight trail driving, and for that the T-4 is awesome! Great torque, engine braking, P.S., and great comfort/room, once you get in through the really nice doors!
Any T4 owners have more insight?

Thanks everyone

i don't own a t4 but do have a t2 and have had the chance to drive a t4 in the dunes and it is a completely different vehicle than the t2 the clutch is awesome and has great power it is wider than the t2 so it handles great and is very nimble feeling compared to the xp4 which is a lot longer wheel base. if you are going to have anyone bigger the a kid in the back go with the t4 my friends with 200+ lbs guys in had enough power to pull away from just me in my t2. another thing is price 14k for a loaded EPS t4 or 20k for a EPS xp4
Find Dirt Trax episode where they took a T4 and put $6000.00 worth of upgrades to compete with the XP and the concluded that your better off going with a model designed for sport! The T pushed through the corners and was too heavy! Ask UPSBob about four big guys in his RZR4, they fit just fine including a 6-4 Samoan who is no light wight! Just saying;) It is the show on the outdoor Channel right before Destination Polaris! ;):cool:

REALLY! you forgot to mention the 6k you will have to put in to the xp to make it as durable and reliable as the teryx(axles, cvs, control arms,rear links and chassis bracing). and i am 6'5" 265 and can no way fit in the back in the back of a rzr 4 seater were as i fit comfortably in the t4. i don't go by some tv show but actually experience in both cars as a passenger and driver.
Great information guys please keep it coming. Dirt trax tv gave the T4 good reviews but said it needed more power. I guess it all depends on what you need for power.
papa bear is a troll, and wtf is with the yellow text, do you think what you are saying is important? like your opinion matters? you need to call attention to your self? you think your special? obviously you are too biased to make any kind of honest judgement,

i agree with with mr brokennose scotty.. wheres this somoan picture? lol
So? What does that picture prove? NOTHING except I would say speed and poor driving were involved! Do I have to post the picture of the Tank that rolled down the hill? I can, so does that mean tanks aren't build well? Or could there be something else going on? Next I can go back to last falls Show and Shine thread and look at the T on its side on an easy trail? Don't see very many XP of RZRs on their sides? Sorry if I am offending people who are brand loyal, but stats are stats, and design is design;)

it proves everything. like what happens when you build a light weight bolt together frame. i rolled my car down a large dune this last season flipped over and kept going. i would like to see a rzr do it and not be in a bunch of pieces by the time it gets to the bottom.
So touchy! But would not expect anything less from a T owner! I just see it as one more drop in the bucket to tip the scales! Also do you think I am lying? Maybe if your guys would ride more rides you would be represented better out on the trail! I have customized mine and nothing has been put on it under the description you mentioned! All you have to do is look at the stats, it really is that easy, and all the millions of off-road miles on the RZR and XP to see it is a winner! This is not Rocket Science, but it is emotional for a lot of T owners! ;):cool:

not touchy just stating facts from someone with actual seat time in both cars. oh and I'm not sponsored by polaris like the show your watching probably is.
as far as representation we had over thirty cars at are last teryx forum ride at glamis., and i put over 1k miles on my car alone this season. remember this quality over quantity. and i have all the stuff under my description because I'm a like things custom and working on my ride making it my own and not just being another sheep in the herd. the teryx is a lot better base to start with from both a durability and price standpoint.
Honeslty, the best thing to do is get some seat time in the machines your interested in buying.

All the machines are very capable and reliable as long as you don't treat them like a trophy truck!

For me I ride 90% in the dunes and I would be hard pressed not to get the xp900 4.
way to ruin a post PB. The original poster was only looking for an opinion not a constant spewing of your useless crap.

Cant you just leave your opinion and continue on? Its getting really old seeing your negative and argumenatitive posts. We all get it, you love your XP and i personally wonder if you love it too much by the constant reminders of so.
Hey guys I was just looking for information about both machines. Pro's and Con's of each. I don't want to start a brand fight. I want to hear from you guys about why you like yours. No machine is perfect so I want the good, bad , and ugly. Thanks everyone.
i have seen the somoan in the back when upsbob laid it on its side:) as for miles no arguement at all pb rides alot ,i have 1031 on my xp-4 not yet 6 months old
Well when you can't win on the facts attack the the fact teller! I will dig it up, but those members who know UPSBob and have ridden Miller with us, know who I am talking about! But I take 1000s of pictures and I have it! I just can't believe people would call me a liar to my face? I tell it like it is and now I will tell you one more interesting fact! I have lead 3 trips to the Grand Canyon and have had 5 Ts on the trip of which 3 out of the 5 Broke! We had one out of 18 RZRs break and that was because of an aftermarket installer! So I know what I know and after talking with one of the T owners he was "Going home and selling it to buy an XP" so I know he is probably a liar and a trader, but that is what comes of experience! Some of my posts are opinion (Which was asked for) and some of it is observation, but it is always the truth, like it or not! I am 6-2" 240 plus and I have been in the back seat of an RZR4 with no problem and never felt like I was going to fall over! ;):eek::cool:

wouldnt call ya a liar when it comes to miles you do seem to get out more than the average rider, but your opinion on any other vehicle other than polaris has been negative, have you owned a teryx? driven a t4? if it no than keep the opinions strictly to the polaris and don't put put down a vehicle you haven't really had some seat time in or owned. it seems like very time one of these opinion threads open you go on the attack against anything against the polaris and thats what we are getting at, leave your pro's and con's and let others leave theirs.
wouldnt call ya a liar when it comes to miles you do seem to get out more than the average rider, but your opinion on any other vehicle other than polaris has been negative, have you owned a teryx? driven a t4? if it no than keep the opinions strictly to the polaris and don't put put down a vehicle you haven't really had some seat time in or owned. it seems like very time one of these opinion threads open you go on the attack against anything against the polaris and thats what we are getting at, leave your pro's and con's and let others leave theirs.

papa bear, i am pretty sure after re-reading my post that i didn't call you a liar. Just find it hard to believe not about the milage but about the somoan riding " comfortably" in the back of a rzr4 as i am smaller than him and couldn't stand riding in a rzr4 for anymore than 5 minutes. I have a rzrs and a t4 and in my opinion which is what the poster had asked for the t4 is way more suited for the kind of riding than he stated. You have made it known that you prefer polaris which is what makes the world go around but you don't need to bash everyone that disagrees with you.:D
that doesnt look very comfortable at all. looks like the guy in the back is all smashed in, knees tight up against the seat. yeah that looks real comfy. and the guy in the front with his knee hanging out, real safe...

this isnt even your rzr 4p? so wha? you rode in the back of one for 20 minutes, or have seen people riding in the back of one, and you assume that its a comfortable ride, sounds more like you are just trying to make po po sound good...

your opinion is too biased to add anything important to the conversation

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