All UTV's Trail/Sand Dunes


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Looking for a 4 seater UTV. Just sold 2 seat converted into 4.
RZR4 800?
RZR4 900?

I go to the sand dunes and desert ride in the winter. In the summer we take camping in the mountains. Ride on forest service roads and trails. I keep hearing the 900 is not a good trail machine??
T4 owner here. love it in the desert. it has a true 4wd system and a very confortable rear seat. i have not had mine in the dunes but my single cylinder 4 seat rhino got me everywhere i wanted to go so i do not see any issues with the T4 in the dunes.
Nice to hear from you guys. And it looks like you guys own 2 of the 3 I am looking at. I have heard from more than a dozen guys the XP900 is more of a wide open UTV. Fast running like at the sand dunes, desert and open roads. When is comes to trail riding it has to much power under the right foot for slow trail riding. I don't have facts about these machines so this is why I am asking. I have drove a RZRS at the sand dunes and loved it. Much more power than my 650 Prowler. Test drove the T4 on pavement and really liked the powersteering, ride, power seemed good.

Looking for all the input you guys can give me.

My riding needs are
I want HP's and suspension for the sand dunes.
We love to ride in the desert and also take to the mountains for camping trips. When I say trail riding I like a large varity to terrian. Sand washes, dirt roads, some rocky trails but not a hard core rock crawler.

Thanks for your time guys,

How does the 800 4 dune?
Very true, just wondering if the 800 4 is a nice upgrade from a 650 Prowler or I would be better off saving the extra money and buying the 900 4
I recommend you drive all of them, if you plan on any adults riding in the back the T4 is way better than the polaris.

Remember, opinions are like a**holes, everyone has one, some just think theirs is always better than everyone elses. :D
How does the 800 4 dune?

The rzr4 800 has been a great all-around machine. That's me and my kid dooning with PB and others. If I had 19K laying around, hands down a XP900 4!! Great suspension and power!! I really like the T4 also. As Kyle said, the T4's back seats are A LOT more comfortable than the Rzr4 for adults. For a lot less $$, you can get a T4 and most likely be VERY happy with it. Not to poke at Polaris, but I would take a hard look at the T4. But, if you were mostly a dune guy with all 4 seats being filled a lot, go with XP900 4. Hope this helps:)
Someone needs to do a shoot-out!!! They have done it for years in the MX magazines, but it seems in the UTV world there is no one that want's to step up and do a shoot-out. I think now days people don't want to step on the manufactures toes for lack funding / advertising.
an un biased opinion will be hard to find. the magazines dont want to upset their relationship with the manufacturers and loose freebies the next go around.

find someone to let you test drive them in the same terrain you plan on riding in.
Stumpy wants to do a shootout. Drop off your new XP and T4 at my house, and he will do the rest ;)
The rzr4 800 has been a great all-around machine. That's me and my kid dooning with PB and others. If I had 19K laying around, hands down a XP900 4!! Great suspension and power!! I really like the T4 also. As Kyle said, the T4's back seats are A LOT more comfortable than the Rzr4 for adults. For a lot less $$, you can get a T4 and most likely be VERY happy with it. Not to poke at Polaris, but I would take a hard look at the T4. But, if you were mostly a dune guy with all 4 seats being filled a lot, go with XP900 4. Hope this helps:)[/QUOTE]

Thanks for your honest insight. Money aside it's hard because each of the three offer different strong points

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