Trail riding & Bedrock Busting for Gold


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Trail riding & Bedrock Busting for Gold

Take a trip with Jeff and Mike as they go on a trail ride up in the Sierra's to look for some Gold trapped in Bedrock . My first try at doing a Trail riding & prospecting video for my YouTube Channel it was a lot of work and a lot of fun to do !!! Hope you enjoy it.

Thanks Groundforce ,We enjoyed making the video combining two things we enjoy doing made it a great time !!!!


My newest Video !!! Gold on the Feather
High Sierra Gold

Join Jeff and Mike as they look for Gold and Treasure in the High Sierra's , Watch as Jeff finds a .45 Gram nugget.
That looks like a lot of fun, and what a beautiful place to do it in...would be fun to take my daughter and do a trip similar to this.
That looks like a lot of fun, and what a beautiful place to do it in...would be fun to take my daughter and do a trip similar to this.
I'm sure you both would have a great time !!!! Nothing like spending the day riding and panning and with family would be a Bonus !!!!

thanks for watching,


Watch as Jeff and Gary ( Two Toes ) head to the Hills in search of Gold !!! On this adventure they will be Crevicing the Bedrock cracks in search of Hidden Gold !!

Thanks for watching,


Watch as Jeff does some winter Prospecting for Gold trying to get the jump on Gary
( Two toes ) on there yearly Gold contest !!! I only had a short window between storms so I took a short drive to the River in search of Gold.

Rain can't keep Me and Gary ( Two toes ) from heading out to Butte Creek to look for Gold.
Umbrella Weather for sure !!!!! Ladybugs, deer and Gold !!!!!!
a group of Ladybugs is called a Loveliness
Mining Relic's of the Mother lode

There are relic's from the California Gold Rush all over the State. The pictures in the video are from Grass Valley to Beckwourth and just about every camp or village in between. When Gold was discovered in California in 1848 it started a mass expedition to the territory in search of great wealth. I hope you enjoy the pictures and the video I just love visiting the Historic mining towns and sites .

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