To all Mint 400 UTV/DSR1 racers

Casey Folks owns and operates BITD. Casey says the UTV/DSR1 class has to race with a spec blue strobe light, as well as the blue solid led, amber solild led and the amber flashing led. This is for safety reasons. This light thing has been debated on other threads. Any further disscussion should be done by calling Casey at BITD.

ok so let me get this straight for myself and maybe a few others.
we have to now have:

(2) brake/running lights
(1) flashing amber
(1) solid amber
(1) solid blue
(1) spec blue strobe light

ok for some of us with OCD tendencies, that would make the light bar wider then the car

i just want some clarification on the rules. we as racers/builders/co drivers etc should be able to post a question on a rule that we need answers to and not be told to ask somebody else. if you are the utv tech inspector you are the first person in line we should ask and if you dont know the answer you ask casey for clarification. isnt that a reason you get that extra 25 to tech? or should we just do a google search and pick the best answer that suits our needs and hope for the best. i cant have customers come into my shop after dropping a few pennies to have a car built and ask about certain parts that i used "by the rules" and now the rules are different. makes me look like an ass not you.

i really dont care about you being the tech inspector and a fellow racer but if a rule is a rule you should have to stick by them just like we do. the rules shouldnt be altered to suit another racer. the rules are there for a reason, make the rules and leave them alone unless its for a safety reason. if casey deems fit for these UTVs to look like christmas trees then so be it but its not going to stop a bigger race vehicle from slamming into a UTV in the middle of the day or night. also you guys know that a strobe pattern light can cause seizures in some people.
I do my best to check the chat boards and answer questions when I can. The Blue light question had been asked,answered and debated several times on the chat board. Any UTV/DSR1 racers that have questions should call or e-mail me. The UTV/DSR1 class is the only classes that has a dedicated person for the racers to contact with questions. I answer my phone and e-mails 24/7. I have answered 1000s of questions and helpped 100s of new racers and will continue to. Most questions are better answered on the phone because then required explanations. I have been managing the UTV/DSR1 class for 7 years and it is still the fastest growing class in BITD and one of the most successful.
I have to chime in here I am in the process of building my pro class UTV car and have called Cory in the phone many times almost to the point he is prob ly tired of me calling him, I know some rules seem stupid and the strobe blue light does seem excessive but if it is a rule then it is a rule, by no means is covey to blame he is doing a great job supporting people especially the newer guys like myself... With such a growing class u have to expect rules will start to change and morph as the class gets bigger and issues start to arise... Cory does alot of work for very little pay and I
Must say that he does alot for the sport
I for one feel there is a need for more (HOT) girls in the Tech/Contigency area. But it was fun giving out cognito stickers to the Homeless crackheads. :D
I for one feel there is a need for more (HOT) girls in the Tech/Contigency area. But it was fun giving out cognito stickers to the Homeless crackheads. :D

HA HA HA You guys must LOVE COGNITO to have them on your beers and your t shirts walking around tech!!!:D:D

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