Thank you Underground Members....


The more I read other forums the more proud I am to see how UTVUG has grown over the past 5 years. The culture we have here is more than I ever imagined in terms of the energy, excitement, and knowledge you all share surrounding this sport. We have only ever had to ban a couple of guys in our 5 years and thats a testament to the self policing this site has and the respect the members have for the Underground.

So again, thanks for being a kick ass group of members!!!
Bill is in the mail... LOL!!! JK!!!

Thanks for your (and Rusty's) hard work and dedication to keeping it running!!!

UTVUG, there is no substitute....

Dan ...
I've put in over 27 requests to ban Slacker, and yet, here we are??? What kinda place you running? ;)

Cool place to be Joey!! Thanks!!
I hate this place.... everytime i log on and see some of these sweet builds on here it makes me want to roll my junk off a cliff :D
Thanks for having such an informitve site, Dude you work your ars off, keep up the good work. This place rocks !
glad to be a part of it. thanks for having us.getting banned from the other brand loyal forumn was the best day i have had in awhile.cause thats when i joined this awesome site.
JD....even tho I love to bust your balls you do a great Job. Keep it up man! Im looking forward to see ya at the mint. Hopefully Team Cognito can stay out of trouble this race;)
I havn't been here long but I find this sight interesting. I'm already finding some new contacts for riding. As I said in another thread, I dont care what your ride is, we need to stick together as off-roaders.
Between the general membership and the bad ass La Familia group you will find plenty of great people to ride with!!

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