Something to Think About - GPS, Phones

good stuff to know.

on a side not i just bought a used navagation radio and when i hooked it up it had their home address, moms house dr's office and a few names listed. i am keeping the info just incase the navigation does not work.
Our use of electronics leaves creative thieves another tool to get to us.
But, it isn't new.
Almost 15 years ago, my brother in law was walking out of a record store in a mall, staring at a CD he had bought waiting for traffic so he could cross into the parking lot. he looked up to see his slammed crew cab dually passing by.
He jumped in back and went on a wild ride for several blocks until the guy stopped got out and pointed a gun at him, at which point he bailed.
The truck was never seen again.
He replaced it (insurance) with another one and I told him point blank to put an alarm and kill switch on it because the crooks would see his registration and know where he lived. They would give him time to replace it, then come steal the new one.
He followed my advice, doing the kill switch first.
A few months went by, and he came out one night to find his replacement truck, nicer than the first one, in the middle of the street with the door standing open. They had slim-jimed the door and raked the ignition switch, but couldn't get the truck to start because of the hidden kill switch.

When they were fixing the column, he shaved the door handles and blocked the arm that makes a slim jim work. He also did a high-end alarm.
My son wound up with that dually, loved it but the TBI 454 and truck 4 speed ate fuel at a rate his after school job couldn't handle, so it went away. I told him to hang on to it...he wishes he had.

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