Snore wants to take UTV racing where BITD will not.

If racers start racing and showing interest in SNORE then the OEMs would naturally pay more attention. But as it stands now, I don't foresee Polaris or Can-Am factory backing someone racing at SNORE solely. Not until there is legit competition there.
I am not referring to the manufacture sponsoring any one racer I am referring to getting them on board to offer the contingencies like they do worcs,bitd etc. but time will tell on all these issues right now
I think racing at SNORE is a great idea but I don't think a mass exodus of BITD is ever going to happen. Racers want to race against the best and they want to race where there is the most competition and exposure. I think it's great though that snore includes UTVs and I hope people take advantage of the interest snore is showing to our class!
This^^^^ when we committed racing BITD 5 years ago it was to race the best. What is a win worth if it isnt against the Best?
The current cars are not obsolete, yet. Once the turbo cars get sorted out, its game over.

I'm sorry that I missed the powwow after the drivers meeting the other day. Is it safe to say that the majority of pro racers want the turbo cars to move to unlimited?

Brian, it wasn't a discussion. Bill handed out a questionnaire. Give me your number or email and I'll send it to you.

I also went to SNORE several years ago, still had my Rhino then. Went to several meetings, asked Cory if we could use his rules, he said yes. This was way before ISA. They said ok. I put up a discussion on UTVUG. But no one showed up to race. I hope they can get racers there. We will go with a second car, but our primary car has to go where the sponsors are.
Yes! several years ago after speaking with SNORE they agreed to let UTV's race. at that time one of the biggest complaints about BITD was the cost to race so we promoted the SNORE race and like Lacrecia said, no one showed up. We only had four UTV's I think.

Lets face it, BITD is very much the premier series in off road desert racing for any class. SCORE is awesome because of Mexico and the races being cloaked in history. I also think there is room for other series' to gain traction in UTV racing for sure.

As a factory team, we are not restricted from competing in other racing orgs. but if you are racing in SCORE and BITD you already have a pretty full schedule. If another series became popular and began to achieve big entry numbers and some media attention I can assure you that the manufacturers would take note and likely become involved.

SNORE is a great grass roots racing organization and their races are a lot of fun. I would love to see more racers support their efforts. You can race there for quite a bit less and you can compete with a much lesser built car.

From the looks of things, BITD and SCORE are going to continue to grow their UTV classes and as the sport continues to grow these other organizations should see similar growth if they reach out and encourage it.
I agree with Bill but disagree with the concept BITD and SCORE will always be the premier series. Change can happen and nothing is too big to fail. Personally I think both series are way too expensive to the point it's ridiculous really and prize money? SNORE can capitalize right now while the opportunity is ripe. Offering prize money and low entry fees is a great temptation. Maybe SNORE grows it's own base. Hypothetically let's say idk Bush, Felix, Perkins, Villareal, Vogel, Getzi, Alba, and others move then others come then just a couple top guys start showing up and then a couple real threats appear like S3 did at BITD. I'm not so sure the "best" is necessarily at BITD in this scenario. For example Villareal is young and I'm not so sure in a yr or two couldn't smoke anyone running today. I know there are other young guys just as capable.

What BITD has more than any other series I've ever raced the last 30 yrs...I got a late start racing bikes..... is a culture of huge egos and transparent camaraderie. It's every man for himself and seems to always be talk of cheating one kind or another. S3 wins and they cheated for example Cognito swapped motors by the Walmart and have a identical car they insert middle of races and so on. I know I could do with less of this and getting rammed every race by some a hole feeding his ego. I know that's always going to be part of racing but taking out your competitors is too much IMO. Nygren, Bush, Perkins and our own car taken out of the Mint who knows how many more. I'm venting now but I've only been intentionally taken out once in my 30 yrs racing and the guy was DQ'd and thrown out of the series. Casey puts on great races but sucks IMO in maintaining the integrity of the rules and more lip service than a Vegas call girl. Maybe change would be healthy.

IMO I'd prefer SNORE keep the rules the same to begin with. Wouldn't change a thing as far as car specs go. 30" tires NOT 32". Just keep it simple. My .02 probably not worth a penny from an outsider point of view.
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SNORE is a great organization with fun races and alot less BS, raced many BAP in class 1 and have a blast a that race. I am just finishing my build and on the fence about where to race, this has my attention. I like the Idea of a 32" tire but not sure if the drive line car handle it.

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