Silverwood/miller RIDE 7-14-12 La Famillia

Here are some pix dropping in to Devil's hole .



Ok back on track here, This was a great ride with some great peeps David I dig your sons Skilzs..

[ame=""]Miller Canyon RZR Ride #2 - YouTube[/ame]

Ive got some great pics to share to.
That is what is wrong with this country! We are turning into the USSR! Turn in your neighbor get what you can for YOU! We should all be in this together "United we Stand" Ever hear of that? You first of all don't know your law very well "Trail Cop" as only state and county "maintained" roads are off limits, this is a trail and for your information I am street legal licensed vehicle in all 50 states! So it seems to me your butt hurt because you think you own this TRAIL! You don't and we hurt nothing by using it, so don't be jealous that you can't dance over the rocks like use! We meet a number of "Nice Jeeper" on the trail that were friendly and helpful! Something you need a lesson in! So it sounds like you tried to report us and it fell on death ears! The trail was designated when these vehicles did not exist and again check state vehicle code regarding street legal roads! Also you "Sign" has no official standing in the law and is not an official Forest Service Sign! I have been off-roading for 44 years and have always pushed to keep trail accessible by EVERYONE not just a "Class" of people or snobs! We did no harm except in your mind and we are not some 50" vehicle and your attitude separates us as the community we should be! I would have you back, too bad you don't have anyone else's! We are not Golf Carts or Go Carts we are fully capable off-road vehicles and mine has been driven in a national park, not just a national forest! Have a great day!

Wow you guys really have a chip on your shoulders don't you? I read that I didn't have the balls to respond to your blast. I gave you the address to the AAT meeting this Wednesday in Corona. Bring your group out and joint the meeting. I'll introduce you to the Forest Service Manager and he can explain to you the rules of the trails in the San Bernardino National forest. We are not snobs, we are not "class" specific. We work on all the trials in the SBNF and we support LEGAL off roading. You need to pay attention to the rules of the forest service. I don't make these rules, the forest Service does, and I was trying to educate you on those rules. If you choose to make your own there is nothing we can do but report what we see, as is our mandate from the Forest Service. We would expect the same from you if you saw one of our group doing something they were not supposed to be doing. It looks like, frrm the pictures at least that this is a group of mature individuals. After reading the responses to my post, I wouldn't use mature to describe you guys.
Again, Please come to the meeting Wednesday night. I know it will go along way to helping you understand what the issues are that face us as off roaders in the SBNF, and you can meet me and the others from our group that were there Saturday.Maybe then you'll see we aren't out to get you, or own the trails, or any such crap.
"The Forest Service and the volunteers who take care of these trails work their asses off to keep ALL trails open; all that you folks have to do is obey the Forest Service rules like the rest of us do."

Very telling sentence, you have no idea what we do, our how hard we work to keep trails open for EVERYONE, so when the Blacks didn't go to back of the bus all they had to do was follow the rules? Have you ever gone over the speed limit or do you boil your dust rag? A felony in the state of Kalifornia! Is it the letter of the law or the spirit? Again I am street legal, but that didn't stop you from being rude! Some rules are meant to be broken and some rules shouldn't even be! Jefferson said "The Government that Governs least governs best" and if "Government passes useless scoff laws then the people will not know which ones to follow" as I said you "Sign" is far from official! I love "Like the rest of us do" If I would have known Jesus Christ was telling me I would have shown greater respect!;):rolleyes::cool:
I guess you are the leader. I was not there but your "all back of the bus" comment was repeated by those that were. I will apologize to your group if you feel that our group was rude to you. I know each of these people personally and I know they are not rude. since I was not there I can not comment on who said what first or anything else. My position here is to make it clear to you that because we work so closely with the SBNF we have insight into what the general public is like, how it affects the forest and how it affects us. we are given specific guidelines to follow that include what is allowable and not allowable in the forest. You are correct in your statement that Holcomb Creek road is indeed a road. It is also designated as a black diamond trail, with vehicle restrictions according to the SBNF requirements.
We have been working on 3N93 Holcomb Creek for over 5 years. We are the ones that put in the time (over 7000 hours) and effort to get this trail opened again after the Butler fire destroyed it. We don't own the trail. We LOVE the trail. We put our heart and soul into that trail. If we are a little passionate about it, you might want to give us that. I saw i the recent posts about showing respect: how about some for the work we did getting the trail open again? Forget that. I know that ain't gonna happen here. But at least you know what you are dealing with. We are going to continue to do what we do, and when we see groups doing things they are not supposed to be doing according to the rules of the SBNF, we will point this out. What you or anyone does with that information is up to you. And for the record, we don't like rules anymore than you do. We have come to the realization that if we want to continue to have access to these awesome roads and trails that there are going to have to be some rules to keep things in check. There are too many different groups with too many different types of vehicles and too many different attitudes out there for the FS to allow free, unfettered access to these lands, even if they are OUR lands. Someone has to do the dirty work right?
I think this was responsibly posted and I'm happy that you posted any and all info of getting a hold of you . I wish I could make the meeting and talk to you about the pic instead to taking this thread in a different direction I'll just give you a call . Friends plez start a new thread our use the info given about this subject thank you .

You are welcome. Thank you for understanding.
Please take a close look at this picture. See the brown Forest Service trail designation sign right next to the guy spotting? See the side by side Xd out in red? That means this trail is not open to your type of vehicles. Running trails that are not designated for your type of machine is a sure way to get our trails closed. The Forest Service and the volunteers who take care of these trails work their asses off to keep ALL trails open; all that you folks have to do is obey the Forest Service rules like the rest of us do. There are plenty of 50 inch trails and fire roads that you can LEGALLY drive your rigs on. Please do not ride on trails that are not designated for your equipment. There are a lot of organizations out there that are just looking for ammo to load their anti-offroading guns with, and pictures like this are perfect for them to use, out of context mind you, to damage the off roading community's reputation. Please think about the consequences of your actions as you are enjoying your day in the forest.
If you want to learn more about the rules, or want to know more about the volunteers that work on these trails, contact me and I will be glad to give you the information. Better yet, come to the next Adopt-A-Trail meeting at the Sizzler in Corona this Wednesday at 6PM.
1461 Rimpau Ave, Corona, CA 92879 » Map
(951) 272-8255
Kurt Kauffman
SBNF AAT volunteer

Don't want to throw too much fuel on the fire but the sign on the trail is clearly marked that quads and ATV's are not allowed on this trail. Surly due to safety reasons because of the short and narrow wheelbase! A SxS or UTV is nowhere close to an ATV and much closer to a Jeep! And in some cases wider and more stable than a Jeep. Not to mention has a much lighter footprint on the environment. Ever heard of "Tread Lightly" Nobody this weekend broke the law or did not follow the rules! The sign said no ATV's! Perhaps you should spend your next 7000 hrs of trail work correcting the FS signs and making it more clear for the public to understand. Until I see a sign the has a red X through a SxS I will also continue to ride these trails!
Perhaps you should spend your next 7000 hrs of trail work correcting the FS signs and making it more clear for the public to understand.
You can count on that! That is part of what we do. There is much to do and that is coming.
Until I see a sign the has a red X through a SxS I will also continue to ride these trails!

that is the attitude that gets us all locked out of the trails. But you just keep doing what you do.
You can count on that! That is part of what we do. There is much to do and that is coming.

that is the attitude that gets us all locked out of the trails. But you just keep doing what you do.

You totally missed my point! The sign said no ATV's! Our vehicles are not ATV's! I am all about following the rules, so put up signs excluding SxS's and I won't use that trail!
Uhhhh,......Stumpy says thanks for the kind words on his video!! No animals or Jeeper's were harmed in the filming ;)
I'm not trying to be smart azz but can you explain why a black diamond trail like this would be designated for street legal vehicles only???

I'm all for legal riding but perhaps if we understood the reasons for one nasty trail to be OK but another nasty trail not, obeying the rules would be more palatable.


I've read most of the rhetoric in this and the other thread, and I think I can answer your question. TrailCop is absolutely right, we need to get involved. Because of our non participation in this sham of deciding what/who rides where, we have no representation, so the spoiled "I want my trails to ride my Jeeps/Land Rovers on" gang get what they want.

Unless we step up and go down and fight these simpletons, then we get whatever they decide.

I'm with Bear and Kyle in saying that the machines we ride are far less damaging to the environment than their 3500lb + monsters. How is it that an 800 or 900cc engine produces more pollutants than a 400ci Bowtie? Our carbon footprint and mechanical foot print is WAY smaller than anything their riding.

Additionally, let's do a little challenge to see who can climb what. A SxS, IMHO, is far superior in conquering the obstacles on these trails, I haven't observed any larger vehicle do something I couldn't.

All that aside, this is just a pissing contest to those who think they have entitlement. The only reason they have it is because we've not been present to speak up and make ourselves heard.

I don't know if we'll ever get an answer to Bear's questions, but maybe if we show up en-mass at the next meeting or 10, we might have to just take what's handed to us and live with it.

I'm not one for entitlements, but this smells all to familiar, and we aren't the fortunate ones in this matter.

Dan ...
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It looks as if it was another great ride put together by rich.. Hope everyone had a great time.
Great time Rich . It was a pleasure to meet Cheryl too. And thanks Angie and Jay for helping me and Felix get back on the road! Oh yeah fantastic watermelon....what did you put in it?


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Great time Rich . It was a pleasure to meet Cheryl too. And thanks Angie and Jay for helping me and Felix get back on the road! Oh yeah fantastic watermelon....what did you put in it?

It was nice riding with you again and make sure you bring Felix with you next time also, he a cool dude .

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