Safety help!


So I was talking with my dad the other night about safety on our trips to the desert. We started talking about a bunch of different topics surrounding safety on rides. I thank God that no one in our group has had anything more serious than a cut to the chin and a fractured wrist. But, what happens if something more serious does happen? Will we be prepared to take care of the situation? So my questions are.

What first aid kits seem to have the appropriate contents to take care of most any situation? Or what kind of bandages etc.. should be in the kit?
What kind of safety training have you had? what kind of training should we have? First aid? CPR?

If there are any other suggestions or ideas about safety I would love to hear them. Hopefully I’m not the only one wondering these questions. I’d rather be prepared for the worst and have nothing ever happen, then to have something happen and not be prepared.
It's never a bad idea to be trained in first aid/CPR.

Reach (helicopter) has a membership program, and I am sure other companies might, that cost very little for an annual membership and will cover you $$$ financial wise if you were to ever need to be air lifted.

Spot tracker is def nice if you are going out into the wilderness alone or to Mexico.
Another vote for the SPOT. I have EMT training because of work and it is a plus. I would recommend knowing how to handle a trauma situation. Crushing injuries along with broken bones....Take an EMT class, it also helps with family and kids even when not riding.

My wife and I got tested this last weekend in moab when a friend tried an obstacle with no seat belt on. Rolled rhino and it broke his hip and pelvic bone. Had to stabilize him for an hour while we waited for SAR and a life flight.
First aid kit & training , The red cross has classes

The spot tracker is a good Idea.

Radio's help out with too know what's going on in the group.

Riding in a group or in pair is good practice ( if some one goes back to camp they should be in contact (radio/cell phone ) with the group or have some one follow them )

If some thing happen out on the trail make a plan so everybody is on the same page

GPS & maps of the area will help if you need to call for help to report you location .

Hope some of this helps.
Maybe it goes without saying.....but along with my first aid kit is a pistol. I have been stuck a ways from home and won't do it unarmed again.
Being a former firefighter and medic, I'm certified in Wilderness First Aid/CPR as well as being an instructor in both. I teach classes to boy scouts and to ohv clubs.
I carry a first aid kit. Basic bandages, couple splint wires and such.
My biggest wish, that others would make sure they are capable and trained, I might be the one hurt and need for them to take care of me...
If you are a member of a club, have the club chip in and pay to send someone to get trained, perhaps even get an instructor to come into your club and train several...
Very basic would be First Aid and CPR, but I recommend Wilderness First Aid and CPR.

Also, carry survival gear, space blanket, military poncho liner (keeps you warm even if wet), rain gear, signal mirrors, fire starting materials, flashlights, water, snacks...
Thanks everyone for all the awesome input already. I will be taking first aid and cpr classes. I'm trying to get a few others from my group to go with me.

Is there a first aid kit that someone likes? Maybe a specific place you found it?
Thanks PB and everyone else that put some input in for me. I'm going to check out the spot tracker and start carrying along some other things that have been brought up. I’m for sure going to pick up a first aid kit and then start adding to. I also liked the idea of carrying along some survival gear. Although I don't ever ride anywhere alone, I think that being prepared for the worst is important. Thanks again everyone for your input. I’m signing my dad, brother and I up for some first aid and c.p.r. classes through some people from our church. Drive safe everyone. :)

Thanks everyone for all the awesome input already. I will be taking first aid and cpr classes. I'm trying to get a few others from my group to go with me.

Is there a first aid kit that someone likes? Maybe a specific place you found it?

Added a link to give a Idea of what they have.

I have always liked REI (camping store) they have nice first aid kits (big and small ) and they have replacement items or you could add to one and customize it. ( like PB said ) ,they also the have survival gear .

One thing that I think is over looked is personal info that is need if a problem happens , not ever body carry s there wallet or purse some do, but if some one has no info it just makes things harder for the people tiring to help out .

Hope some of this helps, Rich

Also Maybe have a extra key for your ride just in case.
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