rzr900air filter?? ?


White Knuckled - UTVUnderground Approved
im sure this has been discussed before.
i have a 2012 xp 900 what are xp owners doing about the air fiter issue ?
are they just replacing stock air filter with a better after market one? if so wich one.
are they replacing the intire intake?
keep in mind i dont want to void the warranty
and dont have a big budget
using the stock one and there is no issue.

when peeps remove the cover too fast they dump sand in the box.
i am using stock. on my 3rd one @ 450ish miles. they hold up good and not too expensive. if you go a different filter you chance voiding the warranty and you might as well redo the whole intake while your at it.

hows the xp treatin u so far
great 5 days at dumont i really put it to the test and i must say it impressed the sh%t out of me.
I am running the stocker also, just have to grease the seal and you will have no problems. I have read posts on other forums who have tried K&N and UNI and have problems with leakage into clean side of box.
im sure this has been discussed before.
i have a 2012 xp 900 what are xp owners doing about the air fiter issue ?
are they just replacing stock air filter with a better after market one? if so wich one.
are they replacing the intire intake?
keep in mind i dont want to void the warranty
and dont have a big budget

Larry,you saw a special,one off xp 900 air cleaner set-up for the sand this weekend :D
Everyone thinks they have problem with sand in the air box. There is no problem. Sand gets in the air box when the air box is opened up and residule sand falls into the air box. Dont worry when this happens. On the RZR 900 XP the throttle body is closed 100%. It runs a IAC sensor which controls the idle. So when this happen just blow out the sand WITH OUT TOUCHING THE THROTTLE. Once you touch the throttle what ever sand was in the intake falls straight in to the motor.
Casey,its not top secret....I run without the rear hatch.You can see it,if you walk up to the car....I built the velocity stacks and had K&N build a special filter with outerwear, that mounts over both stacks....single,large filter.... ..I offered to give Cognito the spec & let him produce them.....otherwise I wont build any more
Casey,its not top secret....I run without the rear hatch.You can see it,if you walk up to the car....I built the velocity stacks and had K&N build a special filter with outerwear, that mounts over both stacks....single,large filter.... ..I offered to give Cognito the spec & let him produce them.....otherwise I wont build any more
Don have you done anything to stop hot air from the exhaust area from saturating the intake area?
Chris,I use all the stock heat shields when I built the new exhaust,ceramic coated the whole muffler,plus,took the rear cover lid off....that seemed to help the most.....IAT dropped a whole bunch.Plus,I cut the tool storage tray out to help with relief of heat coming from front head pipes
I run the stock also haven't had any problem yet!! I thought about the K&N t as often as your supposed to clean it think of all the cleaner and oil you have to buy compared to buying a new stock one when you change your oil. All depends on your preference also

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