
4 x IED survivor
When are you going to have these in?

Any rumors about this vehicle floating around that makes it different than its 900 counterpart other than the 1000 engine?

Rumor I hear is Polaris is pushing up release date and they plan on Showing it at the Glamis RZR show. I was told Polaris is concerned about losing sales to Can Am Maverick Max. Since the family 4 seat market is Growing Fast and once most people buy one and spend over $23k plus accessories on top of that they have a pretty firm grip on it and wont be selling or trading out any time soon.
Rumor I hear is Polaris is pushing up release date and they plan on Showing it at the Glamis RZR show. I was told Polaris is concerned about losing sales to Can Am Maverick Max. Since the family 4 seat market is Growing Fast and once most people buy one and spend over $23k plus accessories on top of that they have a pretty firm grip on it and wont be selling or trading out any time soon.

It looks like the MAX is selling quite well compared to the other 4 seat machines like the Wildcat and Teryx4. Polaris might actually have a legit competitor to the XP4.
Rumor I hear is Polaris is pushing up release date and they plan on Showing it at the Glamis RZR show. I was told Polaris is concerned about losing sales to Can Am Maverick Max. Since the family 4 seat market is Growing Fast and once most people buy one and spend over $23k plus accessories on top of that they have a pretty firm grip on it and wont be selling or trading out any time soon.

You guys and your rumors.... Oh how I wish I could squash every rumor... lol
not the rumor I was eluding too perse.. lol

I was referring to the whole when and why Polaris is/was/would be realeasing a machine.
we removed the image... we (UTVUnderground.com) have to respect our contracted non-disclosure and embargo contracts. Some other sites can get away with sharing the images, they don't have the relationships in some cases that we do to protect. Sorry guys.
Funniest part is the leaked photo's were right on Polaris's own website. I'm sorry but if they are that bad at managing & controlling their own product pictures, then they deserve to have it posted all over the SXS & off road forums.

I obviously don't have a relationship with Polaris like UTVU does and understand why they need to help protect the product. But really you have to wonder, was it a deliberate leak or is Polaris's Web, I.T & Management just this stupid? I'd like to think they are smarter then that! But then again with reading about all the issues the XP 1000 is having, I just don't know!

My guess is we will see the first official peak of the 1000/4 at Camp RZR, with a release date of either Thanksgiving or the first of the year. I'm leaning torwards Thanksgiving as I would think they would want to capitalize on this years desert season.
Polaris is very smart. Marketing is what polaris is the best at. If it's a mess up or intention they still get everyone talking about the next big thing which is them and the xp1k4.
Polaris is very smart. Marketing is what polaris is the best at. If it's a mess up or intention they still get everyone talking about the next big thing which is them and the xp1k4.

Rumors or not I think that Polaris is pushing the Unveiling of the XP4 up to the Camp Rzr at Halloween. Maybe Maybe Not but its a few weeks out and we will see real soon. Market Share Loss is a huge deal and they Know it.:rolleyes:
Be nice if my better half had one of these under the Christmas tree for me. I'd most likely act like a 5 yr. old that got his first BB gun or bicycle ;)

Anybody have any personal theories on what they think the changes on these are going to be?

I'm holding out; waiting very patiently to get the 1st one I can from Bert's!

Yeah my guess will be 2 extra seats and frame extention for a grand total of 245 more pounds of weight and maybe a blue led light in the back for the passengers.

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