RZR 570 Class at the UTV World Championships - 2019

I can "play" as I like. That is what playing is. I am calling you out on your comment above "allowing 570's to run without bumpers". Back that up with some tech on how that makes the ride more dangerous for the kid. I do agree that they should be allowed underbody protection.

If you are (now) "calling me out"...then it would be helpful to present some thoughts of your own versus repeated/constant "tell me....tell me ...tell me(s)..." as frankly a child comes back with (again and again) when he doesn't quite understand the word around him.

If you run around town currently with your kids in the car and no bumpers due to your failure to recognize where crash protection provides your or your family any tangible benefits then I'm certain that somebody will soon explain decades of NHTSA research to you via a cease and desist fine and/or ticket.

I would rather that you go through that process first given your apparent inability to transfer one concept to the other as they apply to children side-by-side/literally on top of each other while flying through the air in glorified golf carts attempting to win a race.

I can probably find some video of kids ram rodding and t-boning each other but I have faith that you can envision these scenarios yourself.
Having experience in kids off road motorsports - bumpers tend to have the opposite effect of there intended use. Skid plates are good - do not recall a stock sxs with out one.

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I agree completely Blue Coyote.
IYL. You want to come off as intelligent and then you compare bumpers on a car to those built onto a UTV. Come on, you can do better than that.
Having experience in kids off road motorsports - bumpers tend to have the opposite effect of there intended use. Skid plates are good - do not recall a stock sxs with out one.

"Having experience in kids offroad motorsports" equaling "Having experience in 570 class flying cars driven by vastly less inexperienced 10 year olds against 16 year olds" ???
...and (somehow) your 'experience' above leads you to conclude that a 1000 class car NEEDS aluminum floorboards...while a CHILD 'oughta be ok' with whatever crap that an OEM provides off the showroom floor?

I'lm going to assume that the latter claim somewhat cancels out any "experience" concerning the former (in my opinion).
I agree completely Blue Coyote.
IYL. You want to come off as intelligent and then you compare bumpers on a car to those built onto a UTV. Come on, you can do better than that.

UTV manufacturers will never do the research needed (nor should they) incorporating products used as they were never intended to be. Anybody not willing to incorporate the decades of data already out there as the only available substitute is not only an idiot but a clear and present danger to the children that they are sticking in these cars...often times their own.

This isn't an information issue.
It's obviously generational ignorance fueled by parents strongly believing that safety is 'optional' and that tragedies always happen to someone else.
This isn't an information issue.
It's obviously generational ignorance fueled by parents strongly believing that safety is 'optional' and that tragedies always happen to someone else.

Based upon my almost 2 decades of off road experience, and plenty of it involved with kids off road motorsports - my observation is us patents (myself included) are not the flat billed energy drink swilling yahoos often depicted in the internet out takes that are throwing our kids into thunder dome. Based on our own (and many others) family experiences - kids off road motorsports is far less dangerous than ball sports - both in frequency and severity of injury. Good news is no-one required to participate, and everyone is welcome to their own opinions.

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Based upon my almost 2 decades of off road experience, and plenty of it involved with kids off road motorsports - my observation is us patents (myself included) are not the flat billed energy drink swilling yahoos often depicted in the internet out takes that are throwing our kids into thunder dome. Based on our own (and many others) family experiences - kids off road motorsports is far less dangerous than ball sports - both in frequency and severity of injury. Good news is no-one required to participate, and everyone is welcome to their own opinions.

Motorsports have NEVER been less dangerous than ball sports for inexperienced 10 year old children piloting souped up flying cars with a testosterone overdosed 16 year old breathing down their neck (period).
Anyone who would make that statement with any seriousness is akin to the yahoos described above (sorry).
Everybody simply sitting back and agreeing with the above statement while allowing rules to be changed to accommodate 'whoever' is worse yet part and parcel responsible for whatever happens next.

It's like dope.
Once you convince everyone that the kids can handle it, that you'll always be right there beside them holding their hand and that there's nothing to worry about in terms of their safety in general...nobody is going to pay attention to any thoughtfully crafted or easily verifiable 'rules' anymore regarding the #1 goal of parents nowadays:
Living vicariously through their kids while hoping that they are at least a little more 'billy bad arse' than the next.

In to the Thunder Dome indeed.
IYL, serious question. It is obvious from the posts that one of your opinions is that the age range for the class is too wide (which I am not disagreeing with). Why can't you just state that? Why run around in troll circles, it is like debating with a magic 8 ball...
If you disagree with the age gap in the 570 class...and always have....simply step up and say so the second that it crosses your mind versus "not disagreeing" with someone who is (finally) willing to say it.

Get a mother of one of these 10 year olds up here and I can guarantee that she will not continually feign ignorance as to what has been presented to date. Mama grizzlies don't tolerate a bunch of guys slapping each other on the back over "motorsports are safer than ball sports" lies told to spend her money and stroke his ego.

The deafening silence here as this crap is spread thick says more about UTV owners in general than I personally ever wanted to learn.

IYL, serious question. It is obvious from the posts that one of your opinions is that the age range for the class is too wide (which I am not disagreeing with). Why can't you just state that? Why run around in troll circles, it is like debating with a magic 8 ball...

Lol, he is a crotchety old man who isn't really interested in anything other than standing on his pedastal and lecturing. Dont waste your time.
Lol, he is a crotchety old man who isn't really interested in anything other than standing on his pedastal and lecturing. Dont waste your time.

Take a look back: Whenever there are rules being changed or broken to benefit racers or those promoting their kids to and someone 'dares' to question any of it?
How about "old" men and women simply preferring that kids around the world be taught values versus standing on a podium somehow being everything.
Racing has always been political and about money. I have seen BITD hand over a TT championship to a guy running their main sponsors tires.
One of the guys in this very thread spots for several young kids and repeatedly has his young racers running over and taking out other kids as well as attacking female spotters in the stands.
Dont get me wrong, most at the race track will help their fellow competetors with parts and even labor but I dont believe it is their job to teach the other kids values
Racing has always been political and about money. I have seen BITD hand over a TT championship to a guy running their main sponsors tires.
One of the guys in this very thread spots for several young kids and repeatedly has his young racers running over and taking out other kids as well as attacking female spotters in the stands.
Dont get me wrong, most at the race track will help their fellow competetors with parts and even labor but I dont believe it is their job to teach the other kids values

We can always pray for those needing help seemingly not available from ourselves yet teaching values to children by fighting for them in their presence is not our "job" but our responsibility.
Compare your above reality to guys trying to convince their wives that ball sports are much safer than (just turned) 10 year olds racing flying cars against (almost) 17 year olds (which everybody here apparently agrees with) and who exactly is looking out for these kids in the first place...values or otherwise?

I'm pretty sure that even the Romans drew the line at throwing kids in to the Coliseum yet apparently youth UTV racing has morphed in to a blood sport with no shame whatsoever.

We all make our points and try to change things for the better with our fellow enthusiasts...yet at some point in time one really starts to wonder just how bad things really are in certain parts of the country or apparently worldwide. I admit that my generation and several before have screwed things up royally for those that followed. However, that we spawned these devil-may-care-less attitudes with kids might just be a conversation with our maker that we don't want to have.
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Lol, he is a crotchety old man who isn't really interested in anything other than standing on his pedastal and lecturing. Dont waste your time.

I've decided he is a Russian troll assigned to keep Americans from being productive at work.
#DirtySpotter......#Imgonnajunkyoursh*t.....#podiumcrybabies...#keyboardtoughguys.... hahaha This thread went south real quick

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