I think everyone misses it! It was a special time in UTV racing. UTV's were new and the sport was just beginning. Modifications were basic with the exception of a few cars and rules were simple. But like most all forms of racing those who were serious continued to push the envelope and now we are left with only a few races or series that accept the most basic of UTV racing. Series racing like CORR, LOORRS, TORC, etc.. made racing a money game and you got to pay to play, or atleast pay to keep up. I would love to see a return to the days when cars showed up to race a MX style track with minor mods and simple saftey adjustments but only time will tell if it will ever occur. I can tell you we are working hard at the grass roots GP level to put togeather atleast a few races a year in addition to the popular GP's that will allow for the weekend warrior to come out and run without a $20K chassis and $10K + motor.