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Hey just letting you guys know Durham Town is planning some new big things for the 2013 series , I spent Saturday morning with Mike and he showed me the area for the New track ,It’s going to be awesome . Here are a few things we talked about.
New track, around 6 mile wide open loop with passing lanes.
Still doing the 12 mile Long night course day and night event.
Still doing the G.P. event.
Having team classes.
One price for all events or can enter separate, you don’t have to do all three events.
Two events on Saturday, one on Sunday.
Money pay back per event and sponsorship pay back for overall champion.
I’m not a spokesperson for D.P. so if I’m wrong on some info sorry, please contacts D.P. or Mike for official info.
Hey just letting you guys know Durham Town is planning some new big things for the 2013 series , I spent Saturday morning with Mike and he showed me the area for the New track ,It’s going to be awesome . Here are a few things we talked about.
New track, around 6 mile wide open loop with passing lanes.
Still doing the 12 mile Long night course day and night event.
Still doing the G.P. event.
Having team classes.
One price for all events or can enter separate, you don’t have to do all three events.
Two events on Saturday, one on Sunday.
Money pay back per event and sponsorship pay back for overall champion.
I’m not a spokesperson for D.P. so if I’m wrong on some info sorry, please contacts D.P. or Mike for official info.