Racing in Georgia


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<CUFON style="WIDTH: 82px; HEIGHT: 20px" class="cufon cufon-vml" alt="Kenneth"><CUFONCANVAS style="HEIGHT: 21px; TOP: 1px; LEFT: -2px"><?xml:namespace prefix = cvml ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" /><cvml:shape style="WIDTH: 92px; HEIGHT: 21px" stroked="f" coordsize="1591,363" coordorigin="-28,-276" path=" m221,0 l186,0,92,-125,65,-101,65,0,35,0,35,-257,65,-257,65,-130,182,-257,217,-257,114,-145 x e m-28,-276 l1563,87 ns e" fillcolor="#cfcfcf"></cvml:shape><cvml:shape style="WIDTH: 92px; HEIGHT: 21px" stroked="f" coordsize="1591,363" coordorigin="-248,-276" path=" m175,-9 c106,25,20,-8,20,-95,20,-153,50,-196,105,-196,160,-196,188,-152,183,-91 l50,-91 c47,-22,120,-8,175,-35 l175,-9 x m152,-115 c159,-167,98,-189,67,-157,58,-147,53,-133,51,-115 l152,-115 x e m-248,-276 l1343,87 ns e" fillcolor="#cfcfcf"></cvml:shape><cvml:shape style="WIDTH: 92px; HEIGHT: 21px" stroked="f" coordsize="1591,363" coordorigin="-449,-276" path=" m61,-166 c90,-214,192,-206,192,-126 l192,0,163,0 c155,-64,191,-171,118,-171,38,-171,65,-72,60,0 l31,0,31,-193,55,-193 c58,-185,55,-171,61,-166 x e m-449,-276 l1142,87 ns e" fillcolor="#cfcfcf"></cvml:shape><cvml:shape style="WIDTH: 92px; HEIGHT: 21px" stroked="f" coordsize="1591,363" coordorigin="-669,-276" path=" m61,-166 c90,-214,192,-206,192,-126 l192,0,163,0 c155,-64,191,-171,118,-171,38,-171,65,-72,60,0 l31,0,31,-193,55,-193 c58,-185,55,-171,61,-166 x e m-669,-276 l922,87 ns e" fillcolor="#cfcfcf"></cvml:shape><cvml:shape style="WIDTH: 92px; HEIGHT: 21px" stroked="f" coordsize="1591,363" coordorigin="-889,-276" path=" m175,-9 c106,25,20,-8,20,-95,20,-153,50,-196,105,-196,160,-196,188,-152,183,-91 l50,-91 c47,-22,120,-8,175,-35 l175,-9 x m152,-115 c159,-167,98,-189,67,-157,58,-147,53,-133,51,-115 l152,-115 x e m-889,-276 l702,87 ns e" fillcolor="#cfcfcf"></cvml:shape><cvml:shape style="WIDTH: 92px; HEIGHT: 21px" stroked="f" coordsize="1591,363" coordorigin="-1090,-276" path=" m62,-57 c58,-23,91,-16,120,-24 l120,-2 c78,14,33,-3,33,-55 l33,-170,5,-170,5,-184,33,-196,45,-237,62,-237,62,-193,118,-193,118,-170,62,-170,62,-57 x e m-1090,-276 l501,87 ns e" fillcolor="#cfcfcf"></cvml:shape><cvml:shape style="WIDTH: 92px; HEIGHT: 21px" stroked="f" coordsize="1591,363" coordorigin="-1217,-276" path=" m121,-196 c218,-202,188,-85,192,0 l163,0 c155,-64,191,-171,118,-171,38,-171,65,-72,60,0 l31,0,31,-274,60,-274,60,-166 c71,-184,93,-194,121,-196 x e m-1217,-276 l374,87 ns e" fillcolor="#cfcfcf"></cvml:shape><cvml:rect style="WIDTH: 92px; HEIGHT: 21px" class=cufon-vml-cover stroked="f" coordsize="21600,21600"><cvml:fill opacity="0"></cvml:fill></cvml:rect></CUFONCANVAS><CUFONTEXT>

Hey just letting you guys know Durham Town is planning some new big things for the 2013 series , I spent Saturday morning with Mike and he showed me the area for the New track ,It’s going to be awesome . Here are a few things we talked about.
New track, around 6 mile wide open loop with passing lanes.
Still doing the 12 mile Long night course day and night event.
Still doing the G.P. event.
Having team classes.
One price for all events or can enter separate, you don’t have to do all three events.
Two events on Saturday, one on Sunday.
Money pay back per event and sponsorship pay back for overall champion.
I’m not a spokesperson for D.P. so if I’m wrong on some info sorry, please contacts D.P. or Mike for official info.
Hey Guys and Gals

Durhamtown will run some of the best UTV racing in the south east.
this year we are running a 3 MOTO event with 3 different style of racing

1st MOTO will be our Short Course event

This is a 5-6 mile woods style course with a mix of single lane woods trails, there are 5 openings of fast twol laned sections for passing. These lanes have dividers in them for safety, then merging back into some more wooded single lanes. There will also be some road style sections for high speeds. This will be a 10 lap event approx 1.5 hours depending on number of entries will determine how many classes on the course at once....
Starting positions will be randomly drawn


this is our Long Course event
3 hours of approx 11 miles long of woods roads, single lane with lots of whoops, the Baja/GP style race track, including down hill jumps, up hill jumps, rollers and high banked turns. It is an 3 hour event starting 1 hour before dark running partly in the daylight and partly into the darkness. This event has been very popular in the past series. Starting position placement determined by Moto 1 finish

Moto 3

GP/ Baja style race course

this is 1.3 mile course with lots of rollers, jumps, and high banked turns
we run a 10 lap event on this course
positions determined by placement in earlier races.

OVERALL PLACEMENT is determined by combination of all three events

one entry fee includes all three motos
CASH payback only if you race all three motos

You may enter just one or two of the motos but no cash pay outs
Trophy only

this will be a series beginning in Feb running thru Dec...
4- spring events & 4 fall events

you must enter all three motos to qualify for Championship
All Sponsors donations and championship cash will be awarded at the final event

There will be cash awards at each event

50% entry fee pay back

I have contacted several sponsors this week and they are already on board. I will be meeting with many more at the dealer show in Indy in Feb. We will continue to bring sponsors on board all season at many different levels

Durhamtown is committed to being the largest and best Side by Side racing in the southeast

we will be following the West Coast class specifications closely in order to attract more competition from the "other side" lol

we will be posting more info on our website
or you may contact me at

thanks mike
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This sounds like someone trying to cash in on the success of UTV Rally Raid. I raced it last year in Alabama a few times and it was awesome.

I expect to be racing in Tennessee and Alabama next year, those guys really have a great course at Stony Lonesome, if Windrock Park is like that it's going to be huge.
I have raced at both events and there both great , I know Jason personally and he is a friend of mine, just because Durham Town is having racing doesn't mean there cashing in on anyones idea ,by the way Durham Town was having UTV races many years ago before anyone even thought about racing these things. I'm not here to defend Durham Town because there's nothing to defend but wouldn't it be nice to have race events all over the place ?
Sounds great!

Team Ironhyde will be there competing again this season!

Thanks to all involved in helping put this on, can't wait to get going again. More races on the East Coast only helps everyone involved in the sport! You guys that live in Ga. or Ala. don't realize how great you have it with so many options, I only wish we lived a little further North to make more of the Ala. races also.

BTW- Look out Rogers, Ironhyde Jr. is going to be laying it down in 850 class!


Team Ironhyde
I would not exactly call it "cashing in" I have been hosting utv races since the rhino came out and the 1st ever 800 rzr so I am not copying anyone

as far as cashing in I have never made a dime from one single race in 6 yrs

we have a full staff on site for the event and EMT service. safety and quality racing is our number one concerns we provide equiment to recover damaged machine we have a full radio system with spotters through out the trails
we have given cash back to the racers and kept very little we do not cover the employees cost much less all the dozer and bobcat work we put in before EVERY race

I ran some events with Jason in the past but we did not agree on many issues

Durhamtown listen's to the racers and designs the races with their input

I wish jason the best with his series and we will run ours

hope you can attend some of them

we are dedicated to providing the best race courses on the east coast

thanks mike
Hey Ironhyde just buy some land and a few bulldozers, a few bobcats move some dirt and we can all come down to Fla for a race , heck I'll even pay $45.00 for entry fee so you can recover your cost !!! Lol
There will be a team class for the events

both team members will run the 1st moto and the best finish of the two riders will be the scored points
2nd moto rider will be switching out machine or drivers

3 rd moto both machines will run and best finish will be scored
Hey Ironhyde just buy some land and a few bulldozers, a few bobcats move some dirt and we can all come down to Fla for a race , heck I'll even pay $45.00 for entry fee so you can recover your cost !!! Lol

That sounds great! All I need is some swamp land to buy, and we can have swamp races.
We plan on being there! Are you going to bring new hauler and stay? The new format sounds interesting, we are looking forward to it.

If anyone is interested there is a race down here next weekend with $1000.00 purse. New place never been there, but going to try it.


Team Ironhyde
I went to the durhamtown site to see what the entry fee's for the races will be but no info there, did i see here somewhere that it's the same for each race?
WOW, not sure what happened here that necessitated calling people cry babies and fourth graders! I wasn't aware of a series in georgia and was just makin an observation, last i read on their site it said that the series had been cancelled and all i had asked was what were the fee's going to be, i still haven't found out what they were going to charge and then the fact that it is a 2 day race worth of events i was trying to figure if i wanted to come run some of the events, texas isn't exactly next door so i have to plan my trip around vacation times. I've been in all sorts of racing myself and personally i think the utv community has the least amount of drama in it..................well atleast here it does,if there is drama going on like your implying there i think i had better keep my racing ventures a little closer to home and stick with what i know. Thanks for the heads up tho!
Sorry Preswood I was not talking about you Its just me running my mouth sometimes .iF you get the time give Durham Town a try its great place to ride or race and looks like the races will happen , new info soon.

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