Sorry I didn't get to this forum in time. But to answer your question, we did at one time bnut found out that not everyone was using Lawrance GPS. Now it seems that most are so perhaps next time we will also provide the "usr" file???
However, one of the reason we also send the :"kml" file is because we allow racers to make their own notes, either prior to pre-running or after a good pre-run. You have to do it on Google Earth.
The other point you made about publishing the actual map. We used to do so and it bit us in the behind:
1. People would come up and screw around with our course markers.
2. Meth-heads would lineup-in-waiting just to scare people and have "their kind of fun." We had that experience at night last year.
3. But most importantly, we only want racers and their crews to know where exactly is the course. Nobody else needs to know, especially people who like to meddle into your business. This is important for us as long as we abide by the rules and the standards set for us by the County. Nobody needs to have access to our courses. If you know what I mean.
Hope that gets it to you.