Presidential Debate, who watched?

To not vote at all is a big mistake..... Hold your nose and vote for Romney.... Giving Obama 4 more years without having to worry about being relected is a bad idea!!! No canidate is ever going to be perfect.... I guarantee the BLM will be more active under Obama!!!

Nailed it!They are both politicians but Romney did a pretty good job as governer and is a succesful business man.Obama has spent his entire political career playing Robin Hood.All you have to do is look around and you can see he has failed.Its time for a change.

BTW,I dont usually like talking politics on a UTV forum but this seems important.
Nailed it!They are both politicians but Romney did a pretty good job as governer and is a succesful business man.Obama has spent his entire political career playing Robin Hood.All you have to do is look around and you can see he has failed.Its time for a change.

BTW,I dont usually like talking politics on a UTV forum but this seems important.

Yeah I usually come here for an escape from all the BS but yeah I thinks it's very important, I look at as a vote to pertect the sport we all love.
Its all just a big show. Politicians are all about self preservation no matter how you look at it. THis is their career, and we shouldn't expect anything less. I'd like to see another regular guy or girl in that seat ike Reagan again.
Its all just a big show. Politicians are all about self preservation no matter how you look at it. THis is their career, and we shouldn't expect anything less. I'd like to see another regular guy or girl in that seat ike Reagan again.

I agree,unfortunately we only have 2 choices and one of them has already failed IMO.
One thing you have to realize is that in these debates the canidats have limited time to explain there side. They don't have enough time to elaborate, I know it's frustrating but the lesser of 2 evils is Romney by a long shot!

I agree, I'm just disalusioned with career politicians. I just think that a country as great as ours with this many people should be able to field a couple of canidates were its hard to figure out who's the better man as opposed to trying to figure out who's going to cause the least amount of damage.
I agree, I'm just disalusioned with career politicians. I just think that a country as great as ours with this many people should be able to field a couple of canidates were its hard to figure out who's the better man as opposed to trying to figure out who's going to cause the least amount of damage.

Yeah I know it's frustrating but we have to take what we can get and keep pushing for change.

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