post race bilek 300

the stripping shop

RACER - UTVUnderground Approved
we finally made it to tech on friday an hour before it closed so we were running with our heads cut off, but the 1913 car was there. Tech went good until the great IRC tracker wouldn't work so back to there booth. That tool gives us so much problems but got it fixed. Let the race begin, off the line by 7:11am car looked good all black and sounded all good. Then the radio comes on cory's rhino broke & then holtz rzr broke. Then jerome comes on the radio the clutch wouldn't let the motor rev out. We are determined to make it to the end so we power on. First pit we stop for gas and check over car, car looked good. We were running about 5th. By second pit we were battling for third, but jerome came on radio and said my wife has to pee so we are stopping so we get the portable bathroom ready" its a tarp wrapped around truck door so nobody see here as ass" By the time that pit was over we were back to 5th and 15min behind leader. By the time we made it to pit 3 we were battling for 4th so we made the decision gas here and skip pit 4 was a good idea until we broke the clevis off our gear one rack. Bitd pulls us were we can get the welder to it, we weld it and keep going. Then we pull up to the worst fire i have ever seen a class 7200 truck hit a telephone poll caught fire and knocked it down. bitd shuts down the course and we wait, we were almost let fo when a jack ass in a 1600 car does a broody right in front of BLM guy and he comes un glued. All i can here out of the BLM guy this race is shut down 2hr later we were able to race again. We go past pit 4, 13 miles past and the clevis breaks right past my weld "reminder get spare ones heat treated metal doesnt like weld" So we rig it and drive the car with one tire that turns for 20 miles to pit 5 and call it a day. It was a long race/day but always fun congrats to all the teams that made it to the end. I forgot the alt. pit caught fire to and the new voss trophy truck.$

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