Positive post on Race Desert for UTV's - need your help!


SXS Racer Extraordinaire - UTVUnderground Approved
There are some Willy Johnson's over on Race Dezert (RDC) that keep posting that UTV's shouldn't be on the race course at Best In The Desert races or should start at the back. I just posted a very positive thread with some 'fun facts' supporting UTV racing. Robby Gordon said that a UTV's dust caused him the race. Ahem...

I need your support to keep the 'herd mentality' that is prevalent on RDC from undermining UTV's and UTV racing. Any help would be appreciated.

Here is the thread... http://www.race-dezert.com/forum/sh...-have-a-great-showing-at-the-Silver-State-300
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Some of those guys...even legends of the sport will never accept how much better the current crop of UTV racers are..stupid comments to say the least...oh you dont have the same course conditions...oh you dont have to pass traffic like we do...How many more excuses will they come up with? If I get on there I'll be positive and recommend all the other responders do the same as you suggest. Thanks for posting up the stats...they don't lie. See you at V2R.
SNORE Class 1's - Quit nerfing blue-light cars!

Check out the above thread that was also posted in RDZ. UTV's were not even allowed to race in this event! (We were told due to economic and safety reasons this race was closed to UTV's) Well now, what is the excuse the "Wiley Johnson's" will come up with? After reading all of the posts, we wrote a very poignant letter to S.N.O.R.E. in support of UTV Racing and stated some interesting facts...using the above thread to hammer home the so called "safety factor UTV's present" is unsubstantiated. There has been no response as of yet. The UTV class must stand together as a whole to defeat this ridicules reputation and continue racing in the safe and sportsmanlike manner in which we do.
P.S. I hope that the link works...I have never posted one before..

Sandra Head
Team Manager, RAM Motorsports
Just read the thread on RDZ and am glad to have JD breaking it down as well as a couple others. Keep up the good work guys! I think there is some butt ache over the fact UTVs are progressing at such a fast rate and their popularity is growing and becoming legitimized to the point the "glorified golf cart" term is being forgotten. I can't wait to see where the industry is in 10 years.
Being involved with both side of this issue (UTV and TT/CL1), I didn't get the sense that they are saying that UTV's shouldn't be racing, they have an issue as to where BITD starts them. I happen to agree. UTVs should be in the four wheel pack, probably somewhere in the TL to 1/2 1600 class. Why they start them behind moto/quads is boggling! Ask anyone who has been passed, at race speed, by a TT/CL1 and it is no joke! There is nothing fun about not being able to hear a 6,000lb 800HP vehicle and then BOOM!!!! Your blinded by a huge plum of dust as you sh!t your pants cause you didn't know it was there...

The starting order make no difference, race condition are going to change all the time. UTVs start dead last at SCORE, the course is as chewed up as it will ever get when they hit it, so why would it make any difference at the SS300 or V2R??? In fact being a 4 wheel drive vehicle is an advantage in the rocky, silty, chewed up sections.

At some point these guys will realize that UTVs are the future of the sport, just because the economics make sense. Not every racer can afford a $250k race vehicle, then add in $10k-$15k prep costs, per race and you living in the 1%ers world. The fact that the UTVs are semi-affordable to race and show up in numbers will stem the tide of haters...hopefully. :D
I just read the whole post over on RDC. Not being a desert UTV racer, yet, take this at a bystanders view. I agree while the UTV industry and racers are jumping by leaps and bounds. The safety concerns are more important to me than who finished where and how many trucks and buggies they beat. If UTV's are getting caught by TT and class 1's by a closing rate of over 40 mph at some points of the race. I would want to be off the track the second the first TT passed me. Not because I'm a chicken but because racing is suppose to be fun. I realize that racing is dangerous, but if some of the danger can be taken away by starting behind the TT and 1's than why wouldn't petitions be made to start behind them. UTV's are here to stay, everyone knows that! Start where is appropriate for the UTV’s.
I also read the whole thread, and I think their beef is not with you at all, or the UTV racers - it's with BITD and where they are starting the UTVs when the big trucks are racing. I have raced UTVs and trucks in the desert, and even in a truck I just about poo myself when I get tagged by a TT that I didn't even see coming up (and I ALWAYS check my mirrors!).

I don't know why Casey doesn't start you guys behind the big/fast classes.....but it would be great to make some good, pro-active changes before something serious happens and changes are made purely on a reactionary basis.

And I'm super stoked about how far the UTVs have come.....keep kicking ass, you guys!! :)
I read the complete thread also and agree with Corry and Bob. I don't think they want to get rid of UTV's, just move them to start behind the TT's and Class 1 cars. I would tend to agree, even if the course gets chewed up, most of you competing are capable drivers with capable machines to handle it.

And the added security of not having a TT bear down on you at speed...

I read everything over at race dezert. I havent personally been in a race car during a race but I have pitted for some. Also I know Casey and his crew and have seen what he has to go through to get the race put on. Its amazing there are even races with all the politics involved. I think the best thing for the closed course loops like parker and the silver state is to run the "slower" classes on saturday and run the unlimited classes sunday. I know those little towns wouldn't complain about the two day racing event. I mean look at the mint you spend 5 days hyping it up and then race everybody in one day. And some classes only get the Mint 200? If the trucks started early sunday. they would be done by noon anyways. I think it is win win for everybody.
I read everything over at race dezert. I havent personally been in a race car during a race but I have pitted for some. Also I know Casey and his crew and have seen what he has to go through to get the race put on. Its amazing there are even races with all the politics involved. I think the best thing for the closed course loops like parker and the silver state is to run the "slower" classes on saturday and run the unlimited classes sunday. I know those little towns wouldn't complain about the two day racing event. I mean look at the mint you spend 5 days hyping it up and then race everybody in one day. And some classes only get the Mint 200? If the trucks started early sunday. they would be done by noon anyways. I think it is win win for everybody.

Won't work Brock, that makes sense....It's also a boon for the UTV's because it might even open up a stock or sportsmen class that is even more affordable for us poor 99%'s..... Just sayin....;)
I think the quick solution is honestly start the trucks/cars later we were in a rhino and robby gordon,bj baldwin didn't catch us untill almost to pit 7 which means about 50 miles left in the race and we got out of there way as soon as we seen the helicopters, plus our crew gave us a heads up on the radio how far out they were so my co-driver was on the watch, but what really sucks is they don't all let you know they are there! if I heard a siren we got over asap, or if the co-driver seen them we got out of the way but a few guys never honked or anything and yes we got a good bump from one of the class one cars! with no warning, and it was very crazy once they passed and you can't see anything then you start thinking crap where is the next one so you try to get as far out of the way as possible till the dust clears, still a fun race and our rhino was a champ with no issues but a flate tire:D
I read everything over at race dezert. I havent personally been in a race car during a race but I have pitted for some. Also I know Casey and his crew and have seen what he has to go through to get the race put on. Its amazing there are even races with all the politics involved. I think the best thing for the closed course loops like parker and the silver state is to run the "slower" classes on saturday and run the unlimited classes sunday. I know those little towns wouldn't complain about the two day racing event. I mean look at the mint you spend 5 days hyping it up and then race everybody in one day. And some classes only get the Mint 200? If the trucks started early sunday. they would be done by noon anyways. I think it is win win for everybody.

This is the best post i have read all day. I remember why I dont read over at RD.com....nothing but a bunch of high dollar babies over there:rolleyes:
I personally rode in the 1919 car with Brandon for several years and can honestly tell you that we got passed by many cars and trucks. We were informed by our pit crew of all the vehicles leaving the pits so we could be aware. Brandon and I have never been bumped by a car or truck. If you can't see in your mirrors to see if someone is coming and you are getting caught, you need to get off the course and go find a race with no cars and trucks racing. We always got off the course by 25' to assure we where out of there way. Sometimes we would sit parked for a minute or so till they passed just so the dust would settle. Brandon has as many miles in a utv than any one and if he has never been bumped you shouldn't be either. If you are not getting over then you are giving our class a bad name. I know there is you tube videos of cars behind utvs that show the utvs not getting over its sad. If we where all to get out of the way in a timely manner they wouldnt have anything to bitch about.
I agree no utv should be in the way and not getting over for TT's and class 1 cars etc, this is not the first offroad race I have driven in, and I have been co driver/passenger as well but in silt beds you can't see behind you then you need some kind of warning as these guys are crazy and have alot on the line and will blow through dust with out knowing what is ahead. We did our best to stay out of there way even sitting off to the side for 10+ minutes waiting for them to go by etc so if UTV's aren't moving I can understand there frustration but I know we did our best to stay out of there way and hopefully a solution that works for everyone can come of all this.
Well I was not excited to see any of the posts I have a different look at it all I have raced a lot miles in my years . I have raced or driven a few classes 11,5/1600,1/2-1600,12,10,1 and have some test time in a TT . I have a ton of respect for the utv class and have met some great people . I personally know I have the least fastest UTV in the class I try to move as fast as I can for you guys/gals .at the silver state last year I pulled off at pit 3 due knowing I was going to be caught in ae bad spot and could only go 20 mph

The mint we got taken out by a 7100 truck after we moved over and off the track . We should have never been touched he had forty feet to the inside of us. It happens and I had all reasons to be Pissed about and still working on it race again.

Here is the problem Casey had the class start at the back was my understanding the change in starting positions was he was tired of waiting on the UTV's as they were not the most reliable to start with that has changed .
I really think we need to start with the other classes as long as we are in front of the darn jeepspeeds we will be all good ! The closings speeds are crazy in the unlimited cars and myself I like to keep breathing I don't want to have to ask FAST-aid for any help in the future and would hate to see any of you guys and gals have to go through that either .

I am sorry for my ramblings

And that 7100 truck will get his as the new class 1 car is almost done I think I might enter sportsman at a race real soon ;)
I hope I didn't offend any one about getting of the track or knowing whats behind you but we as a class have to know when to call it quits and get off the course. For example Matt Parks at the mint was having troubles and was getting in traffic, Matt parked the car instead of trying to limp it in and getting in the way. We as a class need to deal with the other classes or we are going to be starting with the other 4 wheel vehicles and be racing a majority of our races in the dark. IMHO we need to figure it out or we are going to have a lot of late nights in the desert. Lucas I understand you did everything to get off the course and still got hit, thats a bad deal and you did everything you could.
My problem with many of the postsis how they single out the UTVs and wouldnt say this about the bikes and quads.Ideally they would run 2 different days but that isnt going to happen.

If I raced BITD I would want them to move the truck race back some.I would rather be on the course with the dirt bikes and quads.

Even if you start dead last you are going to have confrontation with Trophy trucks and C1 cars.And when they break down and get going again they are still going to charge hard.

I got passed by Householder at least 3 times in the 1000 but it was night time and I could see him coming.We started dead last in this race.

The reality of it is racing is dangerous and you are going to end up on the race course with faster vehicles.
I hope I didn't offend any one about getting of the track or knowing whats behind you but we as a class have to know when to call it quits and get off the course. For example Matt Parks at the mint was having troubles and was getting in traffic, Matt parked the car instead of trying to limp it in and getting in the way. We as a class need to deal with the other classes or we are going to be starting with the other 4 wheel vehicles and be racing a majority of our races in the dark. IMHO we need to figure it out or we are going to have a lot of late nights in the desert. Lucas I understand you did everything to get off the course and still got hit, thats a bad deal and you did everything you could.

i am offended
The underlying issue on that thread...minus Pistol Pete, is the TT/CL1 posters think they have a right to blast through blinding dust and screw anyone in there way. I don't care what class vehicle your in, if your moving at 60mph and a TT is closing on you at 100+mph, the outcome is not going to be good.

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